Catskill College is a small private institution located at the foothills of Catskill Mountains, New York. It has a student enrolment of 5000 and prides in providing personalized attention to students. The following are the criteria for admission to the MBA program at Catskill College.

For unconditional admission, all of the following criteria should be met:

  • GPA >= 3.00
  • GMAT >= 400
  • (200 X GPA) + GMAT >= 1200

For conditional admission, all of the the following criteria should be met:

  • GPA >= 2.50
  • GMAT >= 350
  • (200 X GPA) + GMAT >= 1000

All other applications are to be rejected. Students obtaining conditional admission must submit additional documentation testifying to their work experience and/or provide employer recommendations.

You are in charge of developing an admission processing software program using Java and the Eclipse IDE to meet the following criteria:

Applicant Input:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Mailing Address (Street, City, State, ZIP)
  • E-mail address
  • GPA (0 to 4)
  • GMAT score (0 to 800)

Program Output:

  • Admission Status (Unconditional, conditional, or reject)
Academic Honesty!
It is not our intention to break the school's academic policy. Posted solutions are meant to be used as a reference and should not be submitted as is. We are not held liable for any misuse of the solutions. Please see the frequently asked questions page for further questions and inquiries.
Kindly complete the form. Please provide a valid email address and we will get back to you within 24 hours. Payment is through PayPal, Buy me a Coffee or Cryptocurrency. We are a nonprofit organization however we need funds to keep this organization operating and to be able to complete our research and development projects.