Download the solution template file ( from the Quiz content folder. Unzip the template to a folder on your local file system and open the solution file with Visual Studio 2010.

Perform the following:

  • Create an Interface called IDisplayShapeInfo that specifies the following methods:
    • DisplayShapeStatistics with return type String
    • DisplayArea with return type String
  • Create an Interface called ICalculateVertices that specifies the following methods:
    • TotalVertices with return type int
    • TotalSides with a return type of int
  • Have the GeometricFigure class implement the IDisplayShapeInfo interface:
    • DisplayShapeStatistics will display current object type (use GetType) and the current object area (use the Area function that you wrote).
    • DisplayArea like above but only display the area.
  • Finish the Rectangle, Square and Triangle classes:
    • Add properties Height and Width with proper {get; set;}.
    • Finish the constructors for these classes to allow us to set height and width at instantiation time.
    • Uncomment the code in the ComputeArea functions for each class.
  • Have the Rectangle and Triangle classes implement the ICalculateVertices interface:
    • TotalVertices will return 3 for Triangle and 4 for Rectangle;
    • TotalSides will also return 3 for Triangle and 4 for Rectangle;
  • Have the Rectangle and Triangle classes override with their own version of the IDisplayShapeInfo method:
    • DisplayShapeStatistics will display current object type, area, height, width, vertices and sides.
  • Have the Square class override with its own version of the IDisplayShapeInfo method:
    • DisplayShapeStatistics will display current object type, area side length, vertices and sides.
  • Create a new class called Circle that inherits from GeometricFigure with the following:
    • A Radius float property with proper {get; set;}
    • A constructor method that allows Radius as an argument.
    • A ComputeArea method that uses Math.PI to compute the area based on Radius.
    • Override DisplayShapeStatistics to display object type, area and radius.
  • In the Program.Main method:
    • Instantiate a Triangle, Square, Rectangle and Circle.
    • Use Console.Writeline to show DisplayShapeStatistics for each.
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