Compulsory content for all sites

Each website is to contain an “About Us” page, which is to contain the following:

  • Image of the student who created the website
    • with student number embedded AND
    • working email link
  • A short explanation regarding the choice of template if you used one from the specified site and the changes that were made to the template.

Scenario options

Charity organisation. A website dedicated to all aspects of a hypothetical religious organisation consisting of at least:

  • Home page
  • Site map page with working links
  • One or more pages related to the history/background of the charity
  • One or more pages outlining different related programmes of the charity
  • Information pages regarding locations and key contacts
  • One or more pages containing information regarding activities that the charity offers
  • One or more pages containing information about prominent people within the charity
  • One or more pages describing a connected youth club
  • At least one relevant embedded YouTube link


This assessment task examines the following unit objectives:

  • develop a complex web site or piece of multimedia from scratch, using information gathering and design techniques;
  • expand their skills in storyboarding and design prototyping;
  • expand their skills in the use of multimedia and web authoring software; and
  • expand their analytical skills.


The main 2 phases of website design consist of the planning phase and the development phase. Students created a comprehensive content and design document in assignment 2 and they are now required to work from this design document to develop the website.

Assessment Elements:

  • The website should closely follow the content and design document. Where changes have been made, students will need to submit a separate document providing details of the changes and the rationale behind the thinking.
  • You may not develop in any format requiring server side set ups such as PHP or ASP. JavaScript is fine as long as it is all functional on the client side. This is a prototype site and simple HTML format is required.
  • Students must use CSS and keep content and style strictly separate Any forms used must be fully functional
  • Students may use an pre-existing template ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:
    • The template must be chosen from the templates available at - no other sites are acceptable
    • The template must be identified by name via a reference on your website
    • The minimum change you must apply to the template is a new colour scheme
    • You must further change the template to reflect the needs of your particular design

Not all aspects of the website will need to be working in the prototype (this may be the case when students have added more functionality in their content and design document). However, the minimum requirements specified on the Website list must be fully functional.

Please note the following:

  • Home page. The Home page must have the name “index.html” and contain a title that makes it easy for search engines to find the page
  • Content pages. The number of web pages for each section depends entirely on the topic and the content to be used, but should consist of a minimum of 1 page per category unless otherwise indicated on the Websites list. Content must be appropriately “chunked” and the use of plain language must be clearly visible
  • Sitemap page. Containing links to all other parts of the site. This may be image or text-based. This page should be fully functional, although a number of links may not be operational - the user should be able to get a view of the plan of the entire site
  • Relevant multimedia-based content. Images, sound, and other externally sourced files should be referenced and optimised for download and display. The multimedia elements should be fully functional and should be appropriate for the website chosen. Videos must be fully embedded into the webpage(s)
  • Relevant interactive components. Any forms, such as secure logins, search facilities etc, used on the site need to be fully-functional, should be well designed, and their intent must be clear. Error messages, user feedback etc, for any of these facilities should be provided (either in a pop-up window, or simple dialog boxes written with JavaScript – refer to week 9 accessibility)
  • Navigation. There should be a clear navigation structure, both local and global navigation. The navigation may be either text or image-based but must be intuitive
  • Site-wide standards. There should be a clear directory structure, and the site should adhere to appropriate file naming conventions, appropriate file usage e.g. jpeg for photos etc.
  • Visual design. Student must show adherence to the following: Rules of good content design; Usability guidelines related to Colour Typography Placement of objects Readability Balance Designs must show a solid understanding of the use of other elements such as; contrast, white space, layout, focal point, alignment, proximity etc.
Academic Honesty!
It is not our intention to break the school's academic policy. Posted solutions are meant to be used as a reference and should not be submitted as is. We are not held liable for any misuse of the solutions. Please see the frequently asked questions page for further questions and inquiries.
Kindly complete the form. Please provide a valid email address and we will get back to you within 24 hours. Payment is through PayPal, Buy me a Coffee or Cryptocurrency. We are a nonprofit organization however we need funds to keep this organization operating and to be able to complete our research and development projects.