For this assignment, you will write a C program with several functions that manipulate arrays, including strings (which are null-terminated arrays of chars).

Like the last assignment:

Your function prototypes should match the ones I give here. Your main function should call each of your other functions. The purpose of your main function is to convince you that your other functions are working properly. I don’t care about the details of your main; for instance, I don’t care whether it includes a dialog with the user.

  • unsigned maxValue( const unsigned a[], unsigned elements ); If elements is 0, complain and die. Return the value of the largest element.
  • unsigned maxIndex( const unsigned a[], unsigned elements ); If elements is 0, complain and die. Return the index of the largest element. If there is a tie for which element is largest, return the index of the first occurrence of the largest value. e.g., maxIndex( {3, 5, 2, 5}, 4 should return 1, not 3.
  • void reverse( unsigned a[], unsigned elements ); Reverse the order of the elements. For instance, reverse would change {1, 2, 4} to {4, 2, 1}.
  • int allSame( const unsigned a[], const unsigned b[], unsigned elements ); a and b are parallel arrays, each with elements elements. Return whether all the elements in a have the same value as the corresponding elements in b. For instance, allSame( {1,2,3}, {1,2,3}, 3) returns 1. allSame( {1,2,3}, {1,3,2}, 3 ) returns 0. allSame( {}, {}, 0 ) return 1.
  • void sum( unsigned partialSum[], const unsigned a[], unsigned elements ); partial sum and a are parallel arrays, each with elements elements. sum’s job is, for each i, to set partialSum[i] to a[0] + a[1] + ... + a[i]. For instance, if a were {1, 2, 3, 4}, then sum would set partialSum to {1, 3, 6, 10}.
  • unsigned howMany( char c, const char * s ); howMany returns how many times the char c appears in the string s before the terminating null char. For instance, howMany( ‘t’, “Tattletale” ) returns 3. howMany( ‘I’, “team” ) returns 0. howMany( ‘’, “” ) returns 0.
  • int anagram( const char * a, const char * b ); anagram returns whether the string b has the chars the same number of times (though not necessarily in the same order) as b. For instance, anagram( “stop”, “spot” ) returns 1. anagram( “stop”, “spots” ) returns 0. anagram( “spots”, “spott” ) returns 0. anagram( “stop”, “stop” ) returns 1. anagram( “”, “” ) returns 1. anagram (“logarithm”, “algorithm” ) returns 1.
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