Part 1

Make the following modifications to the Employee Application provided with this assignment. Note that class Employee has already been implemented as an abstract class.

  • Implement proper exception handling mechanism for this application. It is preferable to allow the user to correct their input rather than terminating the application.
  • Modify TestEmployee class so the user controls the number of employees to be created rather than the fixed number of employees (currently 5).
  • After initializing the employees, implement and display a menu (similar to the existing menu about the type of the employee created) so the user can select if they want to:
    • Display all data
    • Search specific data
    • Exit the Application
  • If the user chooses to display all data, a menu of the following choices should be displayed
    • Sort by Last Name. (A to Z only)
    • Sort by Job Title. (A to Z only)
    • Sort by Weekly Salary (this is the result of the call to calculateSalary method). (Z to A only)
  • Depending of the choice of the menu in item 4, the application should display all employee data properly sorted.
  • If the user chooses to search for specific data (option 2 on the menu), the following options should be provided.
    • Search by Last Name (search should be case insensitive)
    • Search by Job Title (search should be case insensitive)
  • Depending of the user selection in item 6, your application should either display employee(s) that meet the criteria or display the text “No Employee Found”.
  • Proper navigation options after every user selection should be provided. For example, the user should be always allowed to get back to the main menu (item 3).
  • Follow good programming practices as per lecture instructions and the course textbook.
  • Assignment 1 and 2 are combined together so you have more time to complete the assignment.

Part 2

Make the following modifications to the Employee Application developed for assignment 1 and 2.

The application with all the specifications that was required for assignment 1 and 2 should be developed based on a graphical user interface.

  • Implement proper exception handling mechanism for this application.
  • Display all data
    • Search specific data (depending of the user selection, your application should either display employee(s) that meet the criteria or display the text “No Employee Found”).
    • Search by Last Name (search should be case insensitive)
    • Search by Job Title (search should be case insensitive)
    • Sort by Last Name. (A to Z only)
    • Sort by Job Title. (A to Z only)
    • Sort by Weekly Salary (this is the result of the call to calculateSalary method). (Z to A only)
  • For this assignment, your application should also be able to store employee data in a file and read the data from a file.
  • You should provide a file with your assignment with sample employee data that can be read and displayed by the application.
  • Your application should allow for adding new employee data to the file.
  • Follow good programming practices as per lecture instructions and the course textbook.
  • Assignment 3 and 4 are combined together so you have more time to complete the assignment.
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