
In this assignment you will work on a toy JSON parser. JSON is a popular text format used for serialization of primitive data types, arrays and objects (represented by key-value pairs). You can read more about JSON on Wikipedia ( ) and its official website ( ).

Your task is to implement a parser for JSON stored in text files with specific formatting (to avoid the need for complex parsing techniques) where every value or control character is stored on a separate line:

"string 1"
"string 2"

For simplicity's sake, only strings will be used as values in JSON files used for this assignment.

Exercise 1

Implement a Queue ADT for generic element types that supports the following operations:

  • enqueue an element in O(1)
  • dequeue an element in O(1)
  • peek the front element in O(1)
  • return queue length in O(1)

Your class must implement the interface provided in file "".

A reminder: you may implement your ADTs from scratch or use existing classes from Java standard library in some way.

Exercise 2

Implement a Stack ADT for generic element types that supports the following operations:

  • push an element in O(1)
  • pop an element in O(1)
  • peek the top element in O(1)
  • return stack size in O(1)

Your class must implement the interface provided in file "".

Exercise 3

Implement a TreeNode ADT for generic element types that supports the following operations:

  • check if node is a JSON object
  • check if node is a JSON array
  • check if node is a JSON primitive value

Your class must implement the interface provided in file "".

Exercise 4

Implement a Tree ADT for generic element types that supports the following operations:

  • return the reference to the root A1TreeNode
  • insert a A1TreeNode element as a child of specified A1TreeNode
  • return tree size (number of elements) in O(1)
  • print tree in a formatted way (see further)

Your class must implement the interface provided in file "".

Hint: it is assumed that "null" will be specified as the parent node when inserting the first (root) node into the tree.

Exercise 5

Using the data types implemented in previous exercises, implement a class that would:

  • read the contents of a specified JSON file line by line
  • enqueue each line to a A1Queue[String]
  • afterwards, analyze the contents of the queue and construct the A1Tree for JSON document
  • print the resulting tree

Your class must implement the interface provided in file "".

Hint: to process nested data structures in JSON document, you should maintain a A1Stack of nodes that are parents to each other and pop elements from the stack when encountering a control character like "]" or "}".

While printing the tree, correct indentation must be preserved (you can choose the policy for printing control characters for yourself).

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