Sarasavi is a popular library with a large collection of books. These books are available for loan as well as for reference by registered members, free of charge.

The functions of the Sarasavi library can be categorized as follows: Loan Process, Return Process, Reservation process, Inquiry Process, Overdue Report Process, Book Registration Process and User Registration process

Details about these functions are given below:

Loan Process:

The borrower collects books from the racks and brings the books he wants to borrow to the counter. Librarian will check whether the borrower has overdue books. The borrower is not allowed to borrow any books until the overdue books are returned. The maximum number of books that the borrower is allowed to have out of the library is at one time is five. When lending a book, the Librarian will check the status of each book. The status of each book indicates whether it is a reference book (cannot be borrowed) or borrowable. A two-week loan period is allowed per borrowable book. The borrower is informed of the expected return date of each book they borrowed. The Librarian keeps all the loan details.

Return Process:

The book to be returned is brought to the counter. The Librarian accepts the return and checks the status of the book. If the book is already reserved, the librarian takes steps to inform the member who has reserved the book.

Reservation Process:

The member informs the Librarian about the books he wants to reserve. The Librarian accepts the reservation depending on the book status. If the reservation is accepted, the Librarian keeps all the reservation details.

Inquiry Process:

The Librarian can also handle inquiries from the borrower about the availability of a book. A facility is also available for a borrower/registered visitor to check the availability of a book. The inquiries may be done by knowing the specific book accession number or knowing a part or whole of the title or author. Also, the Librarian can inform the borrower the status of the book. The status indicates whether the book is available, referenced or not, and in the case of availability of multiple copies, whether all/some/no copies are loaned out, or reserved.

Overdue Report Process:

A report containing the following information is produced at the end of each week. Borrower code, name, address, book accession number, book title and authors, expected return date.

Book Registration Process:

The Librarian also registers new books into the library. This registration may also be an addition of a new copy. However, a maximum of 10 copies are allowed to be registered per book number. The Librarian records the classification, book title, publisher, whether the copy is reference or borrowable.

User Registration Process:

New borrowers may also be registered. The following is captured for the user registration. User Number, Name, and Address.

Management Reports:

The following reports are needed for the management to support their decisions:

  • A summary report of the total number of books borrowed, returned and reserved in each month.
  • A bar chart to illustrate the above figures.
  • Number of borrowings for each book in the library in the descending order of the number of borrowings.

Based on the case study given above:

  • Draw the Use Case Diagram
  • Draw the Activity Diagram for the Loan Process (“Borrow a Book”)
  • Create the Detailed Use Case Description for “Borrow a Book”
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