Project Description

You are given an interface for a type of list. The list works like this:

  • entries begin at index 0
  • the size of the list is limited ("capped"); when the size is reached, no more entries can be added
  • entries can only be added to and removed from the front or back of the list
  • entries can be accessed in any position

Write a class that implements this interface. The class uses arrays to implement the list.


Class Header and Instance Data Variables

Your class header and instance data variables will be:

public class ArrayFrontBackCappedList< T > implements FrontBackCappedListInterface< T >

private T[] list;
private int numberOfElements;

For Full Credit

  • You must implement every method from the interface.
  • Follow the API descriptions from the interface file and the additional method characteristics listed below.
  • Make sure to account for special conditions such as empty lists and singleton lists. Your code should not crash under these conditions.

Class Requirements: Part One

Your class should have all of the following. I recommend working on these methods listed in Part One first. The provided tester file relies heavily on these methods to run. So you should write and test these methods first. There is information in the section below and commented out in the tester file about how you can test these methods.

  • constructor(int)
    • the parameter specifies the maximum size (i.e., capacity) that the list can be
  • String toString()
    • the output must contain the size, the capacity (max size), and a display of all elements in the list
    • see the driver program for the format of the text representation- your display must match this format!
    • Note: I strongly recommend writing the toString method right after the constructor because the tester will be much less useful without this method written!
  • boolean isEmpty()
  • boolean isFull()
  • int size()
  • T getEntry(int)
    • null should be returned when an invalid position is passed in as a parameter
  • void clear()

Class Requirements: Part Two

Review the instructions below (and displayed in the driver) to continue with the "Part Two" testing of your class.

I recommend writing and testing these methods in the order listed below.

  • boolean addBack(T)
    • when there is room to add an element, the new element is added to the end of the list and true is returned
    • when the list is full, no changes are made to the array and false is returned
  • boolean addFront(T)
    • when there is room to add an element, the current elements in the list are shifted to make room and the new element is added to the beginning of the list; true is returned
    • when the list is full, no changes are made to the array and false is returned
  • T removeFront()
    • elements in the list are shifted down after the element is removed from the front
    • null is returned from an empty list
  • T removeBack()
    • null is returned from an empty list
  • boolean contains (T)
  • int indexOf(T)
  • int lastIndexOf(T)

Starter Files

* An interface for a list.
* Entries in a list have positions that begin with 0.
* Entries can only be removed or added to the beginning (front) or end (back) of the list.
* Entries can be accessed from any position.
* The size of the list is limited ("capped"). When the limit is reached, no more entries can be added.
public interface FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > {

* Adds a new entry to the beginning of the list if the list is not full.
* If the entry is added, entries currently in the list are shifted down and
* the list size is increased by 1.
* @param newEntry The object to be added as a new entry.
* @return true if the object was added, false if the list was full and thus the object was not added
public boolean addFront(T newEntry);

* Adds a new entry to the end of the list if the list is not full.
* Entries currently in the list are unaffected.
* If the entry is added, the list size is increased by 1.
* @param newEntry The object to be added as a new entry.
* @return true if the object was added, false if the list was full and thus the object was not added
public boolean addBack(T newEntry);

* Removes an entry from the beginning of the list.
* Entries currently in the list are shifted up.
* If an entry is removed, the list size is decreased by 1.
* @return A reference to the removed entry or null if the list is empty.
public T removeFront();

* Removes an entry from the end of the list.
* Entries currently in the list are unaffected.
* If an entry is removed, the list size is decreased by 1.
* @return A reference to the removed entry or null if the list is empty.
public T removeBack();

/** Removes all entries from this list. */
public void clear();

* Retrieves the entry at a given position in this list.
* @param givenPosition An integer that indicates the position of the desired entry.
* @return A reference to the indicated entry or null if the index is out of bounds.
public T getEntry(int givenPosition);

* Determines the position in the list of a given entry.
* If the entry appears more than once, the first index is returned.
* @param anEntry the object to search for in the list.
* @return the first position the entry that was found or -1 if the object is not found.
public int indexOf(T anEntry);

* Determines the position in the list of a given entry.
* If the entry appears more than once, the last index is returned.
* @param anEntry the object to search for in the list.
* @return the last position the entry that was found or -1 if the object is not found.
public int lastIndexOf(T anEntry);

* Determines whether an entry is in the list.
* @param anEntry the object to search for in the list.
* @return true if the list contains the entry, false otherwise
public boolean contains(T anEntry);

* Gets the length of this list.
* @return The integer number of entries currently in the list.
public int size();

* Checks whether this list is empty.
* @return True if the list is empty, or false if the list contains one or more elements.
public boolean isEmpty();

* Checks whether this list is full.
* @return True if the list is full, or false otherwise.
public boolean isFull();

import java.util.Arrays;

public class ProjectADriver {

private static boolean testingPartOne = true, testingExtraCredit = false;

private static FrontBackCappedListInterface< Integer > list;

public static void main(String[] args) {
list = new ArrayFrontBackCappedList< Integer >(10);

if(testingExtraCredit) {
/* IMPORTANT: set the testingExtraCredit variable to true AND un-comment the line below to test with the extra credit. */
// list = new ListFrontBackCappedList< Integer >(10);
System.out.println("-----------------------------DRIVER BEING RUN WITH EXTRA CREDIT CLASS-----------------------------");
if(list instanceof ArrayFrontBackCappedList) {
System.err.println("Error! You must un-comment the line that lets you run this with the extra credit class.");
System.err.println("Driver ending.");

if(!testingExtraCredit && testingPartOne) {
} else {

System.out.println("\n\n-----------------------------TESTING COMPLETE-----------------------------");
if(allTestsPassed) {
if(!testingExtraCredit && testingPartOne) {
System.out.println("----------Summary---------- \nAll automated tests in Part One have passed.");
System.out.println("Make certain that you manually looked at the output to check how your list is displayed.");
System.out.println("You should remove the hard-coded lines from your ArrayFrontBackCappedList constructor.");
System.out.println("Then, in the driver, set the testingPartOne variable to false and test the rest of your class.");
} else {
System.out.println("----------Summary---------- \nAll automated tests in Part Two have passed.");
System.out.println("nBe sure to manually look at the output to check the contents of the list.");
System.out.println("Also be sure to manually review your code for style and efficiency.");
if(testingExtraCredit) {
System.out.println("***************Reminder: this driver was run with the extra credit class.***************");
} else {
System.err.println("**********Summary********** ERROR: There is failure in at least one automated test. Review the output above for details.");
System.err.println("Reminder: this driver was run with the extra credit class.");



public static void testingPartOne() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING PART ONE-----------------------------");
System.out.println("*****Important: make sure you have hard-coded the three lines in your constructor.");

testDisplayMatch(list, "size=5; capacity=10; [2, 4, 6, 8, 9]");

// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the expected result of isEmpty
// parameter 3: the expected result of isFull
testIsEmptyFull(list, false, false);

// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the expected size of the list
testSize(list, 5);

System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING GET ENTRY-----------------------------");
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the index at which you will get the element
// parameter 3: the expected result (the element at the specified index)
// parameter 4: a description of the test
testGetEntry(list, 0, 2, "getting first position");
testGetEntry(list, 4, 9, "getting last position");
testGetEntry(list, 2, 6, "getting a middle position");

// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the index at which you will get the element; these method calls test invalid indices
// parameter 3: a description of the test
testGetEntry(list, -1, "invalid index");
testGetEntry(list, 11, "invalid index");
testGetEntry(list, 5, "invalid index");
testGetEntry(list, 7, "invalid index");

System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING CLEAR-----------------------------");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=0; capacity=10; []");

public static void runEmptyListTests() {
System.out.println("-----------------------------TESTING WITH EMPTY LIST-----------------------------");
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the expected result of isEmpty
// parameter 3: the expected result of isFull
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);

// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the expected size of the list
testSize(list, 0);

// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the expected String returned from the toString method
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=0; capacity=10; []");

public static void runAddToBackTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING ADD TO BACK-----------------------------");
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: indicates if we are adding to the front or back
// parameter 3: the values to add; values are added from the array beginning (index 0) to end;
// for example, {1, 2, 3} will first add 1 to the back, then 2 to the back, then 3 to the back
// parameter 4: expected return value (true if the element was added, false otherwise)
// parameter 5: a description of the test
testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, new Integer[] {7}, true, "addBack to empty list");
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=1; capacity=10; [7]");

testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, new Integer[] {9, 5}, true, "addBack to non-empty list");
testIsEmptyFull(list, false, false);
testSize(list, 3);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=3; capacity=10; [7, 9, 5]");

testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, new Integer[] {5, 3, 2, 1, 9, 8, 7}, true, "addBack to fill the list");
testIsEmptyFull(list, false, true);
testSize(list, 10);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=10; capacity=10; [7, 9, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1, 9, 8, 7]");

testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, new Integer[] {4}, false, "addBack to full list");
testSize(list, 10);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=10; capacity=10; [7, 9, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1, 9, 8, 7]");

public static void runClearTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING CLEAR-----------------------------");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=0; capacity=10; []");
public static void runAddToFrontTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING ADD TO FRONT-----------------------------");

// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: indicates if we are adding to the front or back
// parameter 3: the values to add; values are added from the array beginning (index 0) to end;
// for example, {1, 2, 3} will first add 1 to the front, then 2 to the front, then 3 to the front
// parameter 4: expected return value (true if the element was added, false otherwise)
// parameter 5: a description of the test
testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, new Integer[] {2}, true, "addFront to empty list");
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=1; capacity=10; [2]");

testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, new Integer[] {4, 3}, true, "addFront to non-empty list");
testIsEmptyFull(list, false, false);
testSize(list, 3);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=3; capacity=10; [3, 4, 2]");

testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, new Integer[] {7, 9, 5, 4, 3, 8, 1}, true, "addFront to fill the list");
testIsEmptyFull(list, false, true);
testSize(list, 10);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=10; capacity=10; [1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]");

testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, new Integer[] {4}, false, "addFront to full list");
testSize(list, 10);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=10; capacity=10; [1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]");
public static void runContainsTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING CONTAINS-----------------------------");
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2});

// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the element to look for
// parameter 3: the expected result (true if the list contains that element, false otherwise)
// parameter 4: a description of the test
testContains(list, 1, true, "element is in the first position");
testContains(list, 2, true, "element is in the last position");
testContains(list, 5, true, "element is in the middle");
testContains(list, 3, true, "element is in the list more than once");
testContains(list, 0, false, "element is not in the list");

testDisplayMatch(list, "size=10; capacity=10; [1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]");

public static void runIndexOfTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING INDEX OF-----------------------------");
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2});

// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: indicates if we are finding the index of the first or last match
// parameter 3: the value to search for
// parameter 4: expected result (the index where the element appears)
// parameter 5: a description of the test
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.FIRST, 1, 0, "first element in the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.FIRST, 2, 9, "last element in the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.FIRST, 5, 4, "element in the middle of the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.FIRST, 3, 2, "repeated element in the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.FIRST, 0, "element not in the list");

testDisplayMatch(list, "size=10; capacity=10; [1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]");
public static void runLastIndexOfTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING LAST INDEX OF-----------------------------");
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2});

testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.LAST, 1, 0, "first element in the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.LAST, 2, 9, "last element in the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.LAST, 5, 4, "element in the middle of the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.LAST, 3, 7, "repeated element in the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.LAST, 0, "element not in the list");

testDisplayMatch(list, "size=10; capacity=10; [1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]");

public static void runRemovesTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING REMOVES-----------------------------");
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2});

// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: indicates if we are removing from the front or back
// parameter 3: if it exists, this is the expected value returned from the remove;
// if this parameter is omitted, the expected return value is null
// parameter 4: a description of the test
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, 1, "remove from non-empty");
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=9; capacity=10; [8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]");

testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, 8, "remove from non-empty");
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=8; capacity=10; [3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]");

testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, 2, "remove from non-empty");
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=7; capacity=10; [3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4]");

testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, 4, "remove from non-empty");
testSize(list, 6);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=6; capacity=10; [3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3]");

testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, "remove front from empty");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);
testSize(list, 0);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=0; capacity=10; []");

testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, "remove back from empty");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);
testSize(list, 0);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=0; capacity=10; []");

clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1});
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, 1, "remove front from singleton added to back");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);

clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1});
list.clear(); list.addFront(1);
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, 1, "remove back from singleton added to front");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);

clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1});
list.clear(); list.addFront(1);
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, 1, "remove front from singleton added to front");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);

clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1});
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, 1, "remove back from singleton added to back");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);

public static void runMixOfAddsRemovesTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING MIX OF ADDS AND REMOVES-----------------------------*");
list.addFront(3); list.addBack(2); list.addFront(4);
list.addFront(5); list.addBack(3); list.addBack(8);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=7; capacity=10; [5, 4, 3, 2, 3, 8, 9]");

list.removeFront(); list.removeBack();
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=5; capacity=10; [4, 3, 2, 3, 8]");

list.removeBack(); list.removeFront(); list.removeFront();
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=2; capacity=10; [2, 3]");

list.addFront(9); list.removeBack();
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=2; capacity=10; [9, 2]");

list.removeFront(); list.addBack(7);
testDisplayMatch(list, "size=2; capacity=10; [2, 7]");

public static void runGetEntryTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING GET ENTRY-----------------------------");
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {4, 3, 2, 3, 8});

// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the index at which you will get the element
// parameter 3: the expected result (the element at the specified index)
// parameter 4: a description of the test
testGetEntry(list, 0, 4, "getting first position");
testGetEntry(list, 4, 8, "getting last position");
testGetEntry(list, 2, 2, "getting a middle position");

// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the index at which you will get the element; these method calls test invalid indices
// parameter 3: a description of the test
testGetEntry(list, -1, "invalid index");
testGetEntry(list, 11, "invalid index");
testGetEntry(list, 5, "invalid index");
testGetEntry(list, 7, "invalid index");

public static void runTestsWithStrings() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING WITH STRINGS-----------------------------");
FrontBackCappedListInterface< String > wordList = new ArrayFrontBackCappedList< String >(20);
if(testingExtraCredit) {
wordList = new ListFrontBackCappedList< String >(20);
testAdd(wordList, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, new String[] {"job!", "Nice", "it!", "did", "You"}, true, "test with Strings");
testAdd(wordList, AddRemovePosition.BACK, new String[] {"You", "rock!"}, true, "test with Strings");
testDisplayMatch(wordList, "size=7; capacity=20; [You, did, it!, Nice, job!, You, rock!]");
testContains(wordList, new String("it!"), true, "test with Strings");
testIndexOf(wordList, IndexPosition.FIRST, new String("You"), 0, "test with Strings");
testIndexOf(wordList, IndexPosition.LAST, new String("You"), 5, "test with Strings");
* The methods below are designed to help support the tests cases run from main. You don't
* need to use, modify, or understand these methods. You can safely ignore them. :)
* Also, you can ignore the use of generics in the tester methods. These methods use
* generics at a level beyond which we use in our class. I only use them here to make this a robust
* and useful testing file. You are NOT required to understand the use of generics in this way.

private static boolean allTestsPassed = true;

public static < T > void testDisplayMatch(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, String expectedOutput) {
System.out.println("\nManual check of contents using toString: \nExpected output: " + expectedOutput);
System.out.println(" Actual output: " + list.toString() +"\n");
public static < T > void testIsEmptyFull(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, boolean expectedEmptyResult, boolean expectedFullResult) {
System.out.println("\nTesting isEmpty for list: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected: " + expectedEmptyResult + "\n Actual: " + list.isEmpty());
if( (expectedEmptyResult != list.isEmpty()) ||
(expectedEmptyResult==true && list.size()!=0) ||
(expectedEmptyResult==false && list.size()==0)
) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED");

System.out.println("\nTesting isFull for list: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected: " + expectedFullResult + "\n Actual: " + list.isFull());
if(expectedFullResult != list.isFull()) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED");
public static < T > void testSize(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, int expectedSize) {
System.out.println("\nTesting size method for list: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected size: " + expectedSize + "\n Actual size: " + list.size() );
if(expectedSize != list.size()) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED");
public static < T > void clearAndRefillTheList(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, T[] valuesToAdd) {
for(T value : valuesToAdd) {
System.out.println("\nList cleared and refilled and now contains: " + list);
public static < T > void testAdd(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, AddRemovePosition positionToAdd, T[] valuesToAdd, boolean expectedResult, String testDescription) {
System.out.println("\nTesting add method: trying to add " + Arrays.toString(valuesToAdd) + " to " + positionToAdd + " of list");
System.out.println("List before adding: " + list);

int beforeSize = list.size();
for(T value : valuesToAdd) {
boolean actualResult;
if(positionToAdd==AddRemovePosition.FRONT) {
actualResult = list.addFront(value);
} else { // positionToAdd==Position.BACK
actualResult = list.addBack(value);
if(actualResult!=expectedResult) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED: incorrect return value when adding " + value + ".\ttest:" + testDescription);
System.out.println("Expected return result: " + expectedResult + "\n Actual return result: " + actualResult);
if(expectedResult==false && beforeSize==list.size()) {
System.out.println("List was full and add was unsuccessful, as expected.");
System.out.println("List after adding: " + list);
if(expectedResult==true) {
int afterSize = list.size();
int expectedAfterSize = beforeSize+valuesToAdd.length;
if(expectedAfterSize != afterSize) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED: incorrect size after adding " + Arrays.toString(valuesToAdd) + ".\ttest:" + testDescription);
System.out.println("\nExpected after size: " + expectedAfterSize + "\n Actual after size: " + afterSize);
} else { // expectedAfterSize == afterSize
T expectedLastAddedValue = valuesToAdd[valuesToAdd.length-1];
T actualLastAddedValue;
if(positionToAdd==AddRemovePosition.FRONT) {
actualLastAddedValue = list.getEntry(0);
} else { // positionToAdd==Position.BACK
actualLastAddedValue = list.getEntry(list.size()-1);
if(!expectedLastAddedValue.equals(actualLastAddedValue)) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED: incorrect list contents. Review the output below.\ttest:" + testDescription);
public static < T > void testContains(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, T element, boolean expectedResult, String testDescription) {
boolean actualResult = list.contains(element);
System.out.println("\nTesting contains for target=" + element + " in list: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected result: " + expectedResult);
System.out.println(" Actual result: " + actualResult);
if(expectedResult!=actualResult) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED.\ttest:" + testDescription);
public static < T > void testIndexOf(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, IndexPosition indexPosition, T element, String testDescription) {
testIndexOf(list, indexPosition, element, -1, testDescription);
public static < T > void testIndexOf(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, IndexPosition indexPosition, T element, int expectedResult, String testDescription) {
int actualResult;
String methodName = "ndexOf";
if(indexPosition==IndexPosition.FIRST) {
actualResult = list.indexOf(element);
methodName = "i" + methodName;
} else { // position==IndexPosition.LAST
actualResult = list.lastIndexOf(element);
methodName = "lastI" + methodName;
System.out.println("\nTesting " + methodName + ": finding target=" + element + " in list: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected " + indexPosition + " index result: " + expectedResult);
System.out.println(" Actual " + indexPosition + " index result: " + actualResult);

if(expectedResult< 0 && actualResult >=0) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED when finding the index of an element not in the list. \ttest:" + testDescription);
System.out.println(" Result should indicate the element is NOT on the list.");
} else if(expectedResult!=actualResult) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED when finding the index. \ttest:" + testDescription);
public static < T > void testGetEntry(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, int position, String testDescription) {
testGetEntry(list, position, null, testDescription);
public static < T > void testGetEntry(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, int position, T expectedResult, String testDescription) {
T actualResult = list.getEntry(position);

System.out.println("\nTesting getEntry for target index = " + position + " in list: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected element at index " + position + ": " + expectedResult);
System.out.println(" Actual element at index " + position + ": " + actualResult);

if(expectedResult==null && actualResult!=null) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED when using an invalid position. \ttest:" + testDescription);
} else if(expectedResult!=null && !expectedResult.equals(actualResult)) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED to get the expected element. \ttest:" + testDescription);
public static < T > void testRemove(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, AddRemovePosition positionToRemove, String testDescription) {
testRemove(list, positionToRemove, null, testDescription);
public static < T > void testRemove(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, AddRemovePosition positionToRemove, T expectedResult, String testDescription) {
System.out.println("\nTesting remove: trying to remove from the " + positionToRemove + " of list");
System.out.println("List before removing: " + list);

int beforeSize = list.size();

T actualResult;
if(positionToRemove==AddRemovePosition.FRONT) {
actualResult = list.removeFront();
} else { // positionToRemove==Position.BACK
actualResult = list.removeBack();

System.out.println("List after removing: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected returned result: " + expectedResult + "\n Actual returned result: " + actualResult);

int expectedAfterSize = 0, actualAfterSize = 0;
if(expectedResult!=null) {
actualAfterSize = list.size();
expectedAfterSize = beforeSize-1;
if(expectedAfterSize != actualAfterSize) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED with the wrong list size when removing from " + positionToRemove + ". \ttest: " + testDescription);
System.out.println("Expected after size: " + expectedAfterSize + "\n Actual after size: " + actualAfterSize);
if(expectedResult==null && actualResult!=null) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED: incorrect element returned. \ttest:" + testDescription);
} else if(expectedResult!=null && !expectedResult.equals(actualResult)) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED: incorrect element returned. \ttest:" + testDescription);
public static enum AddRemovePosition {
public String toString() {
return super.toString().toLowerCase();
public static enum IndexPosition {
public String toString() {
return super.toString().toLowerCase();
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