Question 1

Create a web page (Err404.aspx) with custom error message which will be displayed when a user try to access a non-existing web page. Modify your Web.config so that the user is directed to Err404.aspx web page if they try to access a non-existing web page. Test the configuration by trying to access the non-existing web page by typing https://localhost/nonexistingpage.aspx in your browser. Create an appropriate header for the web page and add graphics to make the page look professional.

Question 2

Create a web page with a simple calculator. The web page will have two text boxes (with labels) for data entry, radio list box to select the operation (+, -, *, and /), label to display the result, a calculate button and clear button. Use Validation controls to validate the data entry. Write the code using try/catch block to catch any data entry error. If there is any data entry error then display the message in the result label. Create an appropriate header for the web page and add graphics to make the page look professional. Set the default focus of the form to the first text box and default button to calculate button.

Question 3

Create a Personal Time Off (PTO) request form for ACME, Inc. web site. Applying for PTO is a three step process. In the first step the user enters their name, employee ID and supervisor's name.

In the second step the user enters the starting date of PTO (use calendar control), ending date of PTO, and type of PTO (Vacation, Sick, or Personal).

In the last step the application will display the confirmation message. The confirmation message will be:

"Name, your request for numberOfDays type days has been received and has been forwarded to supervisorName for approval". Where the name is the name of the user, numberOfDays is the end date - start date + 1, and supervisorName is the name of the supervisor. Make sure that you include data Validation controls and appropriate error checking in your code (for example: end date cannot be before start date). Use wizard control to create views for the three steps. Create an appropriate header for the web page and add graphics to make the page look professional.

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