
Write Python code in cellsim.py, which simulates the growth and death of a population of cells. Your code should be importable into another Python script (e.g., script.py). However, your code, cellsim.py, can import only the modules that are listed above (os, time, random, copy)

Write three classes: Tissue, Cell, and Cancer. Tissue is represented as a two-dimensional grid with a specified number of rows and columns. Each location on the grid should represent a cell of type Cell, Cancer, or any other cell type that we'd may define. Each cell is either in a state of being alive or dead. Healthy cells of type Cell that are alive are represented with the character 'O' while cancerous cells of type Cancer that are alive are represented with the character 'X'. Dead cells are represented by '.'.

Your code should be written in an object-oriented manner. When marking your code, we will write our own cell types and evaluate whether we can use them with your Tissue class type. It should still work.

All example code listed here assumes that the following imports are listed at the top of a python script (e.g., script.py):

import cellsim
import os
import time

Class Tissue

The class Tissue should represent the space where cells grow and die.

Attribute variables

Objects of type Tissue should have the following variable attributes:

  • matrix
    • A 2-dimensional array of type list. Each element is either of type Cell, Cancer, or another cell type.
  • rows
    • A number of type int representing the number of rows in matrix.
  • cols
    • A number of type int representing the number of columns in matrix.
  • CellType
    • The type of cell to use for each element of the matrix. Can be Cell, Cancer, or another cell type.


Objects of type Tissue should have the following methods defined:


Initialises an instance of type Tissue. The argument into this method should be rows, columns, and the cell type. It should initialise the four attribute variables by setting rows, cols, and CellType; and generating matrix.

The rows argument should be a number of type int representing the number of rows to generate for matrix. The default value of the rows argument should be 1. The columns argument should be a number of type int representing the number of columns to generate for matrix. The default value of the columns argument should be 1. The cell type argument should be the name of the class that you'd like to use to generate matrix. The default cell type should be Cell.

The matrix generated should have rows and columns specified by rows and cols, respectively. Each element within the 2-dimensional matrix should be an object of type CellType. Initialise the cell to being not alive.

The example code...

tissue = cellsim.Tissue()

should produce the following console output:

[[< cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104ebc40>]]
< class 'cellsim.Cell'>

Note: the memory address specified by 0x... will be different than what's listed above.

The example code...

tissue = cellsim.Tissue(6,6,cellsim.Cell)

should produce the following console output:

[[< cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eb370>, < cellsim.Cell object at
0x1104eba00>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eba60>, < cellsim.Cell object at
0x1104ebb20>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104ebb80>, < cellsim.Cell object at
0x1104ebdc0>], [< cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eb940>, < cellsim.Cell object
at 0x1104ebeb0>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104ebf10>, < cellsim.Cell object
at 0x1104ebf70>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eb6d0>, < cellsim.Cell object
at 0x1104eb640>], [< cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104ebe20>, < cellsim.Cell
object at 0x1104eb460>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eae00>, < cellsim.Cell
object at 0x1104eada0>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104ead40>, < cellsim.Cell
object at 0x1104ea200>], [< cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eb5e0>,
< cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eaa70>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eac80>,
< cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eb040>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eafe0>,
< cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eaf80>], [< cellsim.Cell object at
0x1104e9cf0>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eaec0>, < cellsim.Cell object at
0x1104eae60>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104ea1d0>, < cellsim.Cell object at
0x1104ea170>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104ea110>], [< cellsim.Cell object
at 0x1104eaf20>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104e96c0>, < cellsim.Cell object
at 0x1104e9660>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104e9540>, < cellsim.Cell object
at 0x1104e9c00>, < cellsim.Cell object at 0x1104eab00>]]
< class 'cellsim.Cell'>

Note: the memory addresses specified by 0x... will be different than what's listed above.


Define this method so that the matrix attribute variable is displayed in the appropriate format. This method should return a variable of type str.

The example code...

tissue = cellsim.Tissue(6,6,cellsim.Cell)

should produce the following console output:



Define this method so that the user can extract specific elements from the attribute variable matrix.

See example code in the below __setitem__() specification for more information.


Define this method so that the user can set specific elements from the attribute variable matrix.

The example code...

tissue = cellsim.Tissue(6,3,cellsim.Cell)
tissue[2][0] = cellsim.Cell(True)
tissue[2][1] = cellsim.Cell(False)
tissue[2][2] = cellsim.Cell(True)
tissue[4] = [cellsim.Cell(True), cellsim.Cell(True),cellsim.Cell(True)]

should produce the following console output:



Overwrite the four attribute variables using a single argument.

The argument should be a two-dimensional array of type list. Each element of the array should be of a cell type, being Cell, Cancer, or another cell type. The attribute variables of the Tissue object should be updated based on the parameters of this array argument.

The example code...

tissue = cellsim.Tissue(10,40,cellsim.Cell)
test_matrix = list()
for i in range(10):
for j in range(40):
test_matrix[5][5] = cellsim.Cell(True)
test_matrix[5][6] = cellsim.Cell(True)
test_matrix[5][7] = cellsim.Cell(True)

should produce the following console output:



Overwrite the four attribute variables using parameters extracted from a file and the cell type defined in the argument. The arguments into this method should be a file name and a cell type.

The file name should be of type str and should represent the file name and its relative path. The cell type argument should be the name of the class that you'd like to use for each element of matrix, being either Cell, Cancer, or any other cell type. The default cell type should be Cell.

The file should be a .txt file representing a board. The symbols '.' should represent a dead cell while an 'O' should represent an alive cell. The cell type argument should determine the cell type of the alive cells specified by 'O '.

Sample text file, test_tissue_01.txt:


The example code...

tissue = cellsim.Tissue(10,40,cellsim.Cell)
tissue.seed_from_file('test_tissue_01.txt', cellsim.Cell)

should produce the following console output:



Create a randomly distributed array of cells, which have an approximate confluency. The arguments to this method should be the confluency and the cell type. Use the random module to implement this method.

The confluency argument should be of type float and should range between 0.0 and 1.0. This will set the probability that each cell in the array is alive or dead. The cell type argument should be the name of the class that you'd like to use for each element of matrix, either Cell, Cancer, or any other cell type. The default cell type should be Cell.

The example code...

tissue = cellsim.Tissue(10,40)

should produce the following console output:


Note: the distribution of alive and dead cells displayed here does not need to exactly match the location of alive and dead cells in your implementation. However, the percentage of living and dead cells should approximately match.


Based on the current attribute variable matrix and its cell types, create an updated version of matrix. The change from the current matrix to the new matrix must be determined by a set of rules defined by each cell and its surrounding cells. So, you must access the update_cell() method for each cell element, being either Cell, Cancer, or another cell type.

The example code...

# this code should be run from your terminal or command prompt
# from terminal, move your current working directory to be where
# this script.py and cellsim.py are located
# then run "python3 script.py", where script.py contains the following...
tissue = cellsim.Tissue(10,40)
print('time step:', 0)
for i in range(1,100):
os.system('clear') #will be os.system('cls')
print('time step:', i)

Should produce the following console output at time step 0:

time step: 0

and the following console output at time step 1:

time step: 1

and the following console output at time step 99:

time step: 99

Class Cell

The class Cell should represent healthy cells. A cell can be alive or dead, should be printable after overloading the __str__() method, defined as being alive or not with a is_alive() method, and should determine whether it should be alive or dead in the next step as defined by its current is_alive() state and its surrounding 8 cells states.

Attribute variables

Objects of type Cell should have the following variable attributes:

  • alive
    • A boolean state of the cell being either alive (True) or dead (False).


Objects of type Cell should have the following methods defined:


Initialise instances of type Cell.

The argument should be a boolean type, being either True or False. The argument should be assigned to the attribute variable, alive. The default argument should be False.


This should return a character of type str, being 'O' if the attribute alive is set to True and '.' if alive is set to False.


This should return the attribute alive, being either True or False.


Determine the next state of the cell given its current surroundings.

The argument should be a 3 by 3 array containing elements of type Cell, Cancer, or another cell type. Ignore the centre element.

Death. If a cell is alive, it will die under the following circumstances:

  • Overpopulation: If the cell has four or more alive neighbours, it dies.
  • Loneliness: If the cell has one or fewer alive neighbours, it dies.

Birth. If a cell is dead, it will come to life if it has exactly three alive neighbours.

Stasis. In all other cases, the cell state does not change.

Class Cancer

The class Cancer should represent cancer cells. It should be derived from class Cell. A cancer cell can be alive or dead, should be printable by overloading the __str__() method, be defined as being alive or not with the is_alive() method, and should determine whether it should be alive or dead in the next step as defined by its current is_alive() state and its surrounding 8 cells states.

Attribute variables

Objects of type Cancer should have the following variable attributes:

  • alive
    • A boolean state of the cell being either alive (True) or dead (False).


Objects of type Cancer should have the following methods defined:


Initialise instances of type Cancer.

The argument should be a boolean type, being either True or False. The argument should be assigned to the attribute variable, alive. The default argument should be False.


This should return a character of type str, being 'X' if the attribute alive is set to True and '.' if alive is set to False.


This should return the attribute alive, being either True or False.


Determine the next state of the cell given its current surroundings. Compared to the same method name for Cell, this function has a different rule for overpopulation.

The argument should be a 3 by 3 array containing elements of type Cell, Cancer, or another cell type. Ignore the centre element.

Death. If a cell is alive, it will die under the following circumstances:

  • Overpopulation: If the cell has five or more alive neighbours, it dies.
  • Loneliness: If the cell has one or fewer alive neighbours, it dies.

Birth. If a cell is dead, it will come to life if it has exactly three alive neighbours.

Stasis. In all other cases, the cell state does not change.

Coding rules

Do not declare any variables in the global space of cellsim.py. The only global space definitions should be class Tissue, class Cell, and class Cancer. Modules may be imported at the global scope, but are restricted to os, time, random, copy. Your code should be written in the spirit of object-oriented programming.

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