Problem 1012 Title: Find matrix element


Input a positive integer n. Then input a nxn matrix. Find the matrix element with the largest absolute value. Output this element's original value (not the absolute value) and its position.


n nxn matrix


element_value row_position column_position

Sample Input

1 2
3 100

Sample Output

100 2 2

Problem 1016 Title: Find prime numbers


Print all prime numbers <=N.




Prime numbers in [2,N]

Sample Input


Sample Output

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97

Problem 1018 Title: Reverse string


Reverse a string. The length of the string is at most 100.


One string (letters and spaces)


Reversed string

Sample Input

I am a student

Sample Output

tneduts a ma I

Problem 1020 Title: Count dollars


Count the number of $ in the input. Output the result.


many characters


number of $

Sample Input

as$dfkjhkjkjdhf asdfkj$lskdfj werijweirjo$wie

Sample Output


Problem 1028 Title: Sort integers based on their greatest prime factors


An integer's greatest prime factor is the largest prime integer that divides it. For example, 3's greatest prime factor is 3; 12's greatest prime factor is also 3; 10's greatest prime factor is 5.

Input 10 integers (all should be greater than or equal to 2). Sort these 10 integers based on their greatest prime factors, in ascending order. If two integers share the same greatest prime factor, then we break ties based on the values of these two integers (smallest first). For example, 27 and 9 share the same greatest prime factor 3. In the sorted list, 9 should be placed before 27 (because 9 is less than 27).


10 integers (all >= 2)


Sorted list

Sample Input

27 9 27 26 8 22 10 7 3 17

Sample Output

8 3 9 27 27 10 7 22 26 17
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