Project Overview

The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon is a wonderfully funny show that is on 5 days a week. It turns out that the tickets to go to a live recording of the show are free, but the problem is that tickets are limited and you need to be quick with getting a ticket before anyone else does. This assignment is a simulation of getting tickets to the tonight show by multiple people at the same time. This is a tricky assignment that illustrates threads, synchronization, and critical sections. The code is not long, but the details are subtle. You will write a simulation to order tickets from the Tonight Show phone ordering system.

Let us imagine that to get a ticket each person must make a phone call to the ticket system operator as soon as the tickets go on sale for the same day's show. Here we will assume that there are five call lines, but only three operators. When a phone call arrives, we see if there is a free line. If so, the phone rings; otherwise it is busy. Once the phone rings, we wait until there is a free operator, and when we get one, we pretend to get service. Each phone call is represented by a thread, and you will have more threads running than phone lines. There are several components to the project.


A semaphore provides a mechanism to avoid race conditions. In general, it provides mutually exclusive access to a resource. We can easily simulate a lock using a binary semaphore:

sem_t lock;
int main () {
sem_init(&lock, 0 , 1 );
pthread_t tid1, tid2;
pthread_create(&tid1, NULL , phonecall, NULL );
pthread_create(&tid2, NULL , phonecall, NULL );
void * phonecall ( void * vargp) {
// critical section

In this case, we initialize the semaphore (lock) to 1. This indicates that only 1 thread may be allowed to enter a critical section. This is typically referred to as a binary semaphore . What if we want to allow more than 1 thread into a section of code? For the problem we are trying to solve we have a limited resource (operators), but we have many phone calls that are being made to the ticket system concurrently. We can easily make a change to the initialization of the semaphore such that it allows more than 1 thread into a section of code at a time. Assuming we want to model three operators as a resource, we would create and initialize like so:

sem_t operators;
sem_init(&operators, 0 , 3 );

We would then have something like the following code in each phone call thread:

// Proceed with ticket ordering process

So, the binary semaphore provides exclusive access for a single thread to a critical section of code, whereas an n-ary semaphore, typically referred to as a counting semaphore , provides a limit of n threads to n resources. For this simulation you will need to use both concepts to restrict access for 1 thread to shared state and to allow multiple threads to gain access to a limited number of operators.

Phone Calls

A phone call is represented by a thread function that will have a caller's id as a function local variable. The id variable is initialized by incrementing a global variable called next_id and assigning it to the id variable inside the thread function. Do you need synchronization here? The idea is that each time a new thread is created it will get a unique id that can be used to identify its output. To make things simple initially, write a thread function called phonecall that prints a message "this is a phone call" before the thread function ends. Later you will do the meaty part of the simulation.

Your main thread function will declare an array of thread id's ( pthread_t ) that will represent each phone call. Then write a loop calling pthread_create given the phonecall thread function and each corresponding entry of the array of thread ids. After we create each phonecall thread, we want to block the main thread until all the other phonecall threads complete. To do that, you need to write another loop that uses pthread_join on each thread.


Once you have the threads going, you'll want to do the real part of the simulation. Your phonecall thread function should declare the following static data and initialize the semaphores properly:

static sem_t connected_lock;
static sem_t operators;
static int NUM_OPERATORS = 3 ;
static int NUM_LINES = 5 ;
static int connected = 0 ; // Callers that are connected

void * phonecall ( void * vargp) {

The variable connected tells how many callers are currently connected (a call attempt is declared busy if connected==NUM_LINES). Access to connected must be controlled by a critical section, and is done by using the connected_lock binary semaphore. The operators counting semaphore is used once a call connects. Here is a sketch of the phonecall thread function algorithm:

1. Print that an attempt to connect has been made.
2. Check if the connection can be made:
a. You'll need to test connected in a critical section
b. If the line is busy, exit the critical section, print a message, and try again
c. If the line is not busy, update connected, exit the critical section, and print a message, and continue to the next step.
3. Wait for an operator to be available (use a counting semaphore)
4. Print a message that the order is being taken by an operator
5. Simulate a ticket order by sleeping for a few seconds ( sleep(3) )
6. Print a message that the order is complete (and update the semaphore)
7. Update connected (using a binary semaphore)
8. Print a message that the call is over

Make sure that your output has the caller id to distinguish the output from different callers. Your program should print out something like the following:

Thread [THREAD_ID] is calling line, busy signal
Thread [THREAD_ID] has available line, call ringing
Thread [THREAD_ID] is speaking to operator
Thread [THREAD_ID] has bought a ticket!
Thread [THREAD_ID] has hung up!

Write all your code in a single jimmy_fallon.c file.


1. Test your program by running with 1 phone call.
2. Test your program by running with 10 phone calls.
3. Test your program by running with 20 phone calls.
4. Test your program by running with 50 phone calls.
5. Test your program by running with 100 phone calls.
6. Test your program by running with 240 phone calls.

240 is the maximum seating capacity of the tonight show.

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