
The purpose of this assignment is to give you some practice writing loops, using arrays and lists, and, most importantly, to get some experience putting together a working application involving several interacting Java classes.

There are three classes for you to implement: Snake, SnakeBasket, and SnakeUtil. As always, your primary responsibility is to implement these classes according to the specification and test them carefully.

These two classes can be used, along with some other components, to create an implementation of our version of a puzzle game called "Snake Escape."

The game is played on a 2-dimensional grid of cells. Each cell may be empty, be a wall, or may be occupied by a snake. One of the snakes is designated as the "green" snake. One cell is designated as an exit. The goal is to move the green snake through empty cells to the exit. Naturally, other snakes may be blocking the path and may need to be moved. A snake can be moved forward by grabbing its head, or backwards by grabbing its tail.

Figure 1 - a game instance as rendered by the sample GUI: see image.

We also may have designated cells containing either apples or mushrooms. A snake can move headfirst into a cell containing an apple, but the length of the snake increases by 1. A snake can also move headfirst into a cell containing a mushroom, and its length decreases by 1.

As of the time of this writing, there is an implementation of a similar game called "Snake Slider" available online here, if you want to try it out.

Disclaimer: when you go to implement your code, be careful to follow this specification. We do not claim that our specification exactly matches the game linked above or any other online version, or anything else in the universe.

The three classes you implement will provide the "backend" or core logic for the game. In the interest of having some fun with it, we will provide you with code for a GUI (graphical user interface), based on the Java Swing libraries, as well as a simple text-based user interface. More details below.

The sample code includes a documented skeleton for the classes you are to create in the package hw3. The additional code is in the packages ui and api. The ui package is the code for the GUI, described in more detail in a later section. The api package contains some relatively boring types for representing data in the game, along with a utility class with methods for creating the game grid and printing out the game in text format. There are a few examples of test cases for you to start with located in the default package, along with a simple text-based user interface.

You should not modify the code in the api package.


The complete specification for this assignment includes

  • this pdf,
  • the online Javadoc, and
  • any "official" clarifications

The enumerated type api.Direction

To describe motion of a snake head or tail in the grid, we use the four constants Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT, Direction.UP, and Direction.DOWN. These are defined as an "enumerated" type or enum. You can basically use them as though they had been defined as public static final constants. You can't construct instances, you just use the four names as literal values. Use == to when checking whether two values of this type are the same, e.g. if dir is a variable of type Direction, you can write things like

if (dir == Direction.UP)
// do cool stuff

An enum type can also be used as the switch expression in a switch statement.

Tip: add the line

import static api.Direction.*;

to the top of your file. Then you can refer to the four constants without having to type "Direction." in front of them.

Overview of the Snake class

A Snake object is basically just a list of grid positions. Each position is an object of type api.SnakePiece, which just encapsulates a row and column. Each snake also has a unique "id" which is a single character.

A snake's head or tail can be moved in one of four directions, and logically the rest of the pieces need to follow along. See the javadoc for details; also, there are some detailed examples in the Getting Started section.

Overview of the api.BasketCell class

(This class is already implemented and you may not modify it.) The grid on which the game is played is a 2D array of BasketCell objects. This is a simple type and you should familiarize yourself with the available methods. Basically, each cell has a status which is either empty, a wall, an exit, an apple, or a mushroom. Once constructed, the only way the status can change is that an apple or mushroom can be changed to empty via the removeFood() method. The actual status is represented internally by the enum type Status, but after construction this value is not directly accessible, so you should never actually need to use the Status type directly. The BasketCell class has many accessor methods such as isEmpty(), isExit(), etc. for determining its state.

In addition, a cell may be occupied by a snake, provided that the cell is empty or is an exit. When occupied, the cell has a reference to the Snake object that is "in" it.

Overview of the SnakeBasket class

The SnakeBasket class encapsulates the state of the game, including, in particular, a 2D grid of BasketCell and a list of Snake objects. The key operations in the game are

void grabSnake(int row, int col)

If the given row/col represent either the head or tail of a snake, then that becomes the "current" snake, and subsequent move operations will apply to that snake's head or tail. (Whether it's the head or the tail that was grabbed is something you'll have to keep track of.)

void releaseSnake()

Releases the current snake, if any, after which a different snake can be grabbed.

void move(Direction dir)

Attempts to move the current snake, by the head or tail, in the given direction. A move is only possible under the following conditions. (Below, where it says "adjacent cell", that means adjacent to the current snake's head or tail, as appropriate, in the direction indicated by dir.)

  • The adjacent cell is empty; then the snake (head or tail) moves into the cell
  • The adjacent cell is the exit and the current snake is the green one; then the snake (head or tail) moves into the exit and the game ends
  • The current snake was grabbed by the head, and the adjacent cell has the row/column of the current snake's tail; then the snake (head) moves into the cell ("chasing its tail", so to speak)
  • The current snake was grabbed by the tail, and the adjacent cell has the row/column of the current snake's head; then the snake (tail) moves into the cell
  • The current snake was grabbed by the head and the adjacent cell is an apple; then the apple is removed and the snake (head) moves into the cell, increasing its size by one piece
  • The current snake was grabbed by the head, consists of at least three pieces, and the adjacent cell is a mushroom; then the mushroom is removed and the snake (head) moves into the cell, reducing its size by one piece

Each completed move adds 1 to a move counter, accessible via the method getMoves, which is how the game is scored.

It is important to note that there is a bit of redundancy in the game state: each SnakePiece contains a row/column that is used to indicate its position in the grid, but each grid cell also includes a reference to the Snake containing that SnakePiece. The redundancy is intentional, since it dramatically simplifies the implementation. However, it is crucial to ensure that the information in the snake pieces and the information in the grid cells is always 100% consistent upon construction and after each move. That is the purpose of the method resetAllSnakes. Basically what this method should do is:

  • call clearSnake() on every cell
  • iterate over each snake and for each snake piece, call setSnake() on the cell at that piece's row/column

Note that this method should be called from move() after each successful move and can also be used to set up the snakes when initially constructing the game.

Construction of SnakeBasket instances.

A SnakeBasket is constructed using a string array descriptor. As an example, a descriptor for the game pictured in Figure 1 would look like this:

public static final String[] test1 = {
"# # # E # # #",
"# y4 y3 y2 y1 y0 #",
"# . # # # . #",
"# . . . . . #",
"# # # g0 # # #",
"# # # g1 # # #",
"# # # g2 # # #",
"# # # g3 # # #",
"# # # # # # #"

Each string in the array consists of an equal number of whitespace-separated tokens (nonempty substrings). Tokens consisting of a single character have the following interpretations:

'#' – a wall
'.' – an empty cell
'@' – an apple
'$' – a mushroom
'E' – an exit

Tokens consisting of two or more characters represent pieces of snakes. The first character is the snake's id, and the number that follows is the index of the piece within the snake. For example, in the descriptor above, "g0" is the green snake's head, and "g3" is its tail.

The api.GridUtil class (already implemented) includes a static method createGridFromDescriptor that constructs a 2D array of BasketCell from a descriptor such as the one above. A call to this method is the first step in each of the SnakeBasket constructors. This method does NOT, however, do anything with the snake information in the descriptor, it just sets up the grid. In the first iterations of your implementation, you should use the two- argument constructor, for which you manually create and pass in a list of snakes. Your resetAllSnakes method can then add them to the grid. See for an example.

Part of your assignment will be to implement the method SnakeUtil.findSnakes, which will read a descriptor and from it construct a list of snakes. Once you have this method done, you'll be able to construct a SnakeBasket using the one-argument constructor. This saves a lot of trouble in creating test cases, and also enables you to use the "Choose from file" option in the GUI. Please note that you can get everything else working without this method!

More about the api.GridUtil class and api.SnakeLayoutException

In addition to the createGridFromDescriptor method described in the previous section, GridUtil contains two additional public static methods. The validateDescriptor method is used to verify that a given string array has the required format for a valid descriptor. It is invoked at the beginning of createGridFromDescriptor and you should also invoke it at the beginning of your findSnakes method.


Notice that the validateDescriptor method returns void. If a descriptor is found to be invalid, the method throws a SnakeLayoutException. This is a custom exception type defined for this project. Thus, since your findSnakes method will start out by calling validateDescriptor, it may end up throwing a SnakeLayoutException as well, but it is not a "checked" type of exception so it does not require a throws declaration on the method. In addition, the findSnakes method is supposed to throw a SnakeLayoutException if any of the snakes is invalid, as defined by the Snake class isValid() method. We will study the exception mechanism in detail towards the end of the course; for now, all we need to know is that to generate an exception, you construct one and precede it with the throw keyword. For example, at the bottom of findSnakes you will need some code such as this:

for (Snake snake : mySnakeList)
if (!snake.isValid())
throw new SnakeLayoutException("Invalid snake '" + snake.getId() + "'.");

The GridUtil.display() method

The remaining method of GridUtil is the display() method, which takes a SnakeBasket object and prints out the current state of the grid using the conventions with which the descriptors are defined for representing the status of each cell and the snakes. This is useful for debugging and is used for the TextUI.

The method SnakeUtil.createDescriptorsFromFile

In addition to the findSnakes method, you'll implement this utility method. The idea is that you would have a file containing a number of text blocks representing descriptors, such as

# # # E # # #
# y4 y3 y2 y1 y0 #
# @ # # # @ #
# . $ . $ . #
# # # g0 # # #
# # # g1 # # #
# # # g2 # # #
# # # g3 # # #
# # # # # # #

where each such block is preceded and followed by blank lines. The createDescriptorsFromFile reads the file and returns a list of string arrays, one for each such block of text, where each string in the array is one line of text. Note, however, that the method is actually quite a bit simpler than it sounds, since it is not required to do any validation of the file format. It just reads any text file by putting consecutive lines of text into a string array until a blank line is encountered. (In practice, the validation happens in the methods GridUtil.createGridFromDescriptor and SnakeUtil.findSnakes.)

The text-based UI

The default package includes the class TextUI, a text-based user interface for the game. It has a main method and you can run it anytime. In order to start playing the game, however, you'll need at a minimum:

  • Enough of Snake implemented to add pieces and move the head or tail (does not depend on isValid)
  • Enough of SnakeBasket implemented to do resetAllSnakes, grabSnake, releaseSnake, and parts of move()

The code for TextUI is not complex and you should be able to read it without any trouble. It is provided for you to illustrate how the classes you are implementing might be used to create a complete application. Although this user interface is clunky, it has the advantage that it is easy to read and understand how it is calling the methods of your code. It will be much more useful for debugging than the GUI.


There is also a graphical UI in the ui package. The GUI is built on the Java Swing libraries. This code is complex and specialized, and is somewhat outside the scope of the course. You are not expected to be able to read and understand it. However, you might be interested in exploring how it works at some point. In particular it is sometimes helpful to look at how the UI is calling the methods of the classes you are writing.

The controls are simple: You can use the mouse to grab a snake head or tail, and move it.

The main method is in ui.GameMain. You can try running it, and you'll see the initial window, but until you start implementing the required classes youll just get errors. All that the main class does is to initialize the components and start up the UI machinery. The class GamePanel contains most of the UI code and defines the "main" panel, and there is also a much simpler class ScorePanel that contains the display of the score.

You can edit GameMain to use a different descriptor. Alternatively, once you have SnakeUtil fully implemented, you can use the "Choose from file" button in the game to select one of the games from a file of descriptors.

Testing and the SpecChecker

As always, you should try to work incrementally and write tests for your code as you develop it.

Do not rely on the UI code for testing! Trying to test your code using a UI is very slow, unreliable, and generally frustrating. The code for the UI itself is ten times more complex than the code you are implementing, and it is not guaranteed to be free of bugs. In particular, when we grade your work we are NOT going to run either of UIs, we are going to test that each method works according to its specification.

We will provide a basic SpecChecker, but it will not perform any functional tests of your code. At this point in the course, you are expected to be able to read the specifications, ask questions when things require clarification, and write your own unit tests.

The SpecChecker will verify the class names and packages, the public method names and return types, and the types of the parameters. If your class structure conforms to the spec, you should see a message similar to this in the console output:

x out of x tests pass.

This SpecChecker will also offer to create a zip file for you that will package up the two required classes. Remember that your instance variables should always be declared private, and if you want to add any additional "helper" methods that are not specified, they must be declared private as well.

Getting started

At this point we expect that you know how to study the documentation for a class, write test cases, and develop your code incrementally to meet the specification.

0. SnakeBasket is largely dependent on Snake, so it makes sense to start on Snake first. However, you won't need the isValid method until you are finishing up with SnakeUtil.findSnakes. The method SnakeUtil.createDescriptorsFromFile doesn't depend on anything else, so you can work on it anytime.

1. Familiarize yourself with the SnakePiece and BasketCell classes. The code is simple, and you'll need to use them a lot.

2. A Snake essentially has a list of SnakePieces, and an id of type char. Be sure you can construct an empty Snake and get its list of pieces and id:

Snake s = new Snake('g');
System.out.println(s.getId()); // expected 'g'
System.out.println(s.getPieces()); // expected [] (empty ArrayList)

3. Then try adding some pieces and make sure they get added to the list:

s.addPiece(2, 3);
s.addPiece(2, 4);
s.addPiece(3, 4);
s.addPiece(4, 4);
// expected [(2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4), (4, 4)]

3. There are some simple accessor methods you can implement now

System.out.println(s.isGreen()); // expected true
System.out.println(s.getHead()); // (2, 3)
System.out.println(s.isHead(2, 3)); // expected true
System.out.println(s.getTail()); // (4, 4)
System.out.println(s.isTail(4, 4)); // expected true

4. Then think about moveHead. If the head is at (2, 3) and the direction is UP, then the new head should be at (1, 3):

// expected [(1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)]

You might think you have to iterate over the whole list and create new pieces. But another way to think about this: all you really have to do is create a new piece for the head, stick it at the beginning, and delete the piece for the tail.

5. Similar for moveTail:

// expected [(2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4), (3, 5)]

Hopefully you can identify common code in the two above methods, and factor it into a helper method! The reasoning will be similar for moveHeadAndGrow and moveHeadAndShrink (though you will not need these methods until you start using apples and mushrooms in your game grid).

6. There is a second addPiece method, that you will not actually need until you implement SnakeUtil.findSnakes, which has an additional argument representing the index for the new piece. You can implement it and test it now, or later:

s = new Snake('x');
s.addPiece(1, 2, 4); // put (2, 4) at index 1
s.addPiece(3, 4, 4); // put (4, 4) at index 3
// expected [null, (2, 4), null, (4, 4)]

7. For SnakeBasket, the first thing to do is implement resetAllSnakes, so that you can at least construct one in a correct initial state. Try something like this:

String test0[] = {
"# E #",
"# . #",
"# . #",
"# . #",
"# # #"

ArrayList< Snake> snakes = new ArrayList< >();
Snake s = new Snake('g');
s.addPiece(2, 1);
s.addPiece(3, 1);
SnakeBasket b = new SnakeBasket(test0, snakes);

System.out.println(b.getCell(2, 1).hasSnake()); // expected true
System.out.println(b.getCell(3, 1).hasSnake()); // expected true

// expected:
// 0 1 2
// 0 # E #
// 1 # . #
// 2 # g0 #
// 3 # g1 #
// 4 # # #

7. If that much works, try a more interesting example:

s = new Snake('g');
s.addPiece(4, 3);
s.addPiece(5, 3);
s.addPiece(6, 3);
s.addPiece(7, 3);
s = new Snake('y');
s.addPiece(1, 5);
s.addPiece(1, 4);
s.addPiece(1, 3);
s.addPiece(1, 2);
s.addPiece(1, 1);

b = new SnakeBasket(test1, snakes);
// expected:
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
//0 # # # E # # #
//1 # y4 y3 y2 y1 y0 #
//2 # . # # # . #
//3 # . . . . . #
//4 # # # g0 # # #
//5 # # # g1 # # #
//6 # # # g2 # # #
//7 # # # g3 # # #
//8 # # # # # # #

8. Then work on the method to grab a snake by the head or tail and make it the "current" snake:

b.grabSnake(1, 5);
System.out.println(b.currentSnake() != null); // expected true
System.out.println(b.currentSnake().getId()); // expected 'y'
System.out.println(b.currentWasGrabbedByHead()); // expected true

System.out.println(b.currentSnake() != null); // expected false
// if you grab someplace that isn't a head or tail,
// it doesn't become the current snake
b.grabSnake(1, 4);
System.out.println(b.currentSnake() != null); // expected false

9. Next, start on move(). A good place to begin is just to move a snake only if the adjacent cell is empty (according to the isEmpty() method). Once you have that much working, you can think about the other cases (moving onto the snake's own head or tail, moving onto cells with food, moving to the exit).

b.grabSnake(4, 3); // green snake head
// expected [(4, 3), (5, 3), (6, 3), (7, 3)]

// expected [(3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 3), (6, 3)]

After a move, be sure you are calling resetAllSnakes to update the grid:

// should look like this
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// 0 # # # E # # #
// 1 # y4 y3 y2 y1 y0 #
// 2 # . # # # . #
// 3 # . . g0 . . #
// 4 # # # g1 # # #
// 5 # # # g2 # # #
// 6 # # # g3 # # #
// 7 # # # . # # #
// 8 # # # # # # #

9. The method SnakeUtil.findSnakes is likely the trickiest part of the assignment. You need to iterate over rows and columns of the descriptor, and when you find a token that represents part of a snake, add a piece with that row and column to the correct snake. But the piece has to be added at the correct index within the snake. That is the reason for the second Snake addPiece method: public void addPiece(int index, int row, int col).

Make sure you have that method working; see the bottom of for an example.

Once that is done the logic is more or less like this:

create an empty list of snakes
iterate over the rows and columns of the descriptor
if a token at (row, col) is a string with length greater than 1
the first character is an id
the rest is an index
if we have already created a snake with that id
add a piece to that snake at the index
construct a new snake with that id and add to the list
add a piece to the snake at that index

Read the code for GridUtil.createGridFromDescriptor for an example of an easy way to iterate over the descriptor rows and columns. The only potentially confusing part is this line:

String[] tokens = firstRow.split("\\s+");

The String split() method returns an array of strings obtained by dividing up a string at a given delimiter. In the Java "regular expression" syntax, the delimiter "\\\\s+" means "any amount of whitespace". So, for example, if we have string s = "foo bar baz" then s.split("\\\\s+") returns the array ["foo", "bar", "baz"]. (This could also be done with a Scanner, of course.)

10. The last step in the findSnakes method is to verify that all snakes are valid (see the subsection "api.SnakeLayoutException" on page 7). At this point you'll need to go back and implement the isValid method of the Snake class if you haven't done that already.

11. As noted above the method SnakeUtil.createDescriptorsFromFile can be done independently of anything else. See for a sample test case. The sample code includes two text files in the project directory. The short file testfile.txt is referred to in the simple test case, and the file games.txt contains descriptors for a number of sample games. When you have findSnakes and createDescriptorsFromFile working, you'll be able to use the "Choose from file" button in the GUI to select a game from the ones in the file.

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