The Date Class

Write a C++ program to implement the Date class, which has the following private data members: string month, int day, and int year, where month represents the month component of a Date object with valid values: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. Clearly, valid values for the day component depends on its month component. For example, for the month of January, a valid value for a day is between 1 and 31, but the month of February, the valid value is between 1 and 28 ( 29 if its a leap year). For the year component, there is no maximum value but it has the minimum value 1 (not 0 ).

Put the definition of your Date class in your header file Date.h, and the implementations of its member functions in your source file At the top of your header file, insert the following statement: #include Date.h.

The Date class should include the following member functions:

  • Date ( const string& m = MONTH, const int& d = DAY, const int& y = YEAR): This is a public constructor that can be used to create a Date object for the month m, day d, and year y, where MONTH = January, DAY = 1, and YEAR = 2000 are the default values.
  • void setMonth ( const string& m ), void setDay ( const int& d ), void setYear ( const int& y ): These public member functions can be used to set the month, day, and year components of a Date object to the values m, d, and y, respectively, by a client program.
  • string getMonth ( ) const, int getDay ( ) const, int getYear ( ) const: These public member functions can be used to return the month, day, and year components of a Date object, to a client program.
  • void Month ( ): This public member function can be used to convert the month component of a Date object by changing its first letter to uppercase and the rest of its letters to lowercase, so the month of a date can be entered as case insensitive.
  • bool isValidDate ( ) const: This public member function checks a Date object, and if its a valid date, it returns true; otherwise, it returns false. It calls the private member function bool isValidMonth ( ) const to check if the month component is valid, and it calls the private member function int daysInMonth ( const string& m ) const to return the number of days in the month m to check if the day component is valid. If the month m is February, the function daysInMonth ( ) calls the private member function bool isLeapYear ( ) const to get the correct number of days in the month m.
  • string toString ( ) const: This public member function can be used to convert the month component of a Date object in the form ddmmmyyyy, where dd is a one- or two-digit date, mmm the three-letter abbreviation for the month, and yyyy is the four-digit year. For example, if the date is July 20, 1969, then this function should return the string 20Jul1969. To help for the conversion, it calls the non-member function: string intToString ( const int& n ), which takes the integer value n and returns its corresponding value as a string.
  • friend istream& operator >> ( istream& is, Date& d ): This non-member function can be implemented as a friend to the Date class, which overloads the extraction operator ( >> ). It reads the individual date components from the stream is to the Date object d, where a date can be entered either in the form month day year or month day, year. Since the character after the day component is optional, one way to deal with this issue is to use the unget ( ) function for the stream is . After extracting the day component, you can read one more character, and if that character happens to be a digit, then you can put that character back into the stream is.
  • friend ostream& operator<< ( ostream& os, const Date& d ): This non-member function can also be implemented as a friend to the Date class, which overloads the insertion operator ( << ). It gets the individual components from the Date object d and to the stream os, where d is inserted in os in the form month day, year.

Put the definitions of the components of the default date in your header file Date.h, and you can also include the following vector object for the months of a year: const vector < string > months { January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December }, so you can compare a given month with the elements of the vector months to determine if the month has a valid value.

A driver program is supplied to test your Date class. The source file of the driver program is To use this source file for your Date class, make a link from your program directory. To compile the source files and, and link their object files with the system library routines, execute: Make N=6. To test your program with the data file prog6.d, execute: Make execute N=6. The files and prog6.d are in directory: ~cs689/progs/17f/p6. The correct output file prog6.out is also in the same directory.

The main ( ) routine tests the member functions of the Date class for several given dates. Some of these dates are generated by the class constructors and some of them are entered from the stdin. For each Date object d, it calls the non-member function bool printDate ( const Date& d ), This routine check if d is a valid date, and if its not, it prints an error message on stderr and it returns false; otherwise, it prints d on stdout and it returns true. For a Date d entered from the stdin, if the return value of printDate ( ) is true, it also prints d on stdout in the form ddmmmyyy. The implementation of printDate ( ) is included in the driver program

The Date Class Phase 2

Write a C++ program to include the following additional member functions in your Date class from the previous computer assignment:

  • Date ( const Date& d ): This is a public copy constructor that can be used to create a new Date object from the copy of the Date object d.
  • Date& operator= ( const Date& d ): This is a public assignment operator that overwrites an existing Date object with the copy of the Date object d.
  • Date& addDay ( const int& n ): This public function can be used to add n number of days to a Date object.
  • Date& addMonth ( const int& n ): This public function can be used to add n number of months to a Date object. If the day of the resulting month is larger than the number of days in that month, then choose the following month with day = 1.
  • Date& addYear ( const int& n ): This public function can be used to add n number of years to a Date object.
  • int dayIndex ( ) const: This public function returns an index value for a Date object, which is simply equal to the number of days passed from the reference date of January 1, 1 with the index value 1. This implies that the index values for days after this date have positive values and the index values for days before this date have negative values. For example, the index value for January 2, 1 is 2 and the index value for December 31, 1 is 1 because there is no year 0.
  • int monthIndex ( ): This private function returns the index value of a month from the months vector, which is between 0 and 11, and the returned index value can be used to get the month of a Date object.

You also need to have the non-member function: unsigned dateDiff ( const Date& d1, const Date& d2 ) to get the number of days between the Date d1 and Date d2. Remember that the difference between the years: 1 and 1 is 1 not 2. When you move from a date with a positive index value to a year with a negative index value or vice versa, you need to make an adjustment in your computation.

A driver program is supplied to test your Date class. The source file of the driver program is To use this source file with your Date class, make a link from your program directory. To compile the source files and and link their object files with the system library routines, execute: Make N=7. To test your program, execute: Make execute N=7. The source file is in directory: ~cs689/progs/17f/p7. The correct output file prog7.out is also in the same directory.

The main ( ) routine tests the member functions of the Date class for several given dates. For each Date object d, it calls the non-member function bool printDate ( const Date& d ), This routine checks if d is a valid date, and if its not, it prints an error message on stderr and it returns false; otherwise, it prints d on stdout and it returns true.

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