Project Overview

You will create a small interactive program to input details about people, manipulate them, and display them. The project consists of several tasks, which you should tackle in order. Each task builds on the previous one.

Read through this entire document before you start coding, so you're aware of all tasks and the overall structure of the program. Your solution should demonstrate your knowledge of C++.

Important: Each task requires you to add extra code. You shouldn't need to remove any code.

Important: Each part requires you to change the code in the main() function, potentially losing the previous version. Therefore we have provided functions called main_part1(), main_part2() and main_part3(). Place your code for each part inside the relevant function. You can uncomment the relevant lines in the real main() function to run and test each part.

Part 1

Task 1 - Person Class DefiniKon

Create a Person class that stores a name and age. The name should be stored as a string, and the age as an integer. Declare and define a constructor that takes appropriate parameters and stores them in the object. Also declare and define a default constructor that sets the name to an empty string and the age to zero.

Task 2 - Person I/O

Implement the << and >> operators so you can output and input a Person object with the following string format.

Jasmine 18

In other words, the name of the person is output followed by the age. When the user types a similar string as input, the first token (up to the space) should be stored as the name, and the second (after the space) as the age. For this task you do not need to do any input validation or error handling. Assume the user will always type the correct format.

Task 3 - Comparison Operators

Implement comparison operators (<, >, and ==) for the Person class. These should work numerically, based on the ages of the people involved.

Add relevant test code to the main_part1() function. Make sure it's sufficient to test all the implemented aspects of the Person class from all tasks so far.

Part 2

Task 4 - Adding & Listing People (Fixed Storage)

Implement this and subsequent tasks in the main_part2() function. Create a loop to present menu items and input user choices. At this stage the menu will only have three options.

1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
Q. Quit

You will need to use a suitable data structure to store Person objects. For the purposes of this task you can assume we will never want to store more than 9 people. An example run of this program is shown below.

Example Output (Task 4)

1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
Q. Quit
Enter Option: 1
Enter Details: Martin 42
1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
Q. Quit
Enter Option: 1
Enter Details: Jenny 31
1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
Q. Quit
Enter Option: 2
1. Martin 42
2. Jenny 31
1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
Q. Quit
Enter Option: Q

You should check that the storage is not full up (ie. already holds 9 people) before allowing a new person to be added. Display an error message if the user tries to add too many people.

Task 5 - Finding the Oldest Person

Add another menu option so the user can find the oldest person in the data structure. An example run is shown on the next page, assuming there is already some data in the system. You've already defined comparison operators for the Person class that should be useful in this task. The algorithm itself is fairly straightforward.

Task 6 - Removing People

Add another menu option so the user can remove people from the data structure. An example run is shown below, assuming there is already some data in the system.

Example Output (Task 5)

1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
3. Remove Person
4. Find Oldest
Q. Quit
Enter Option: 2

[1 Martin 42]
[2 Jenny 31]
[3 Alice 56]
[4 Freddie 18]

1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
3. Remove Person
4. Find Oldest
Q. Quit
Enter Option: 4
Oldest: Alice 56

1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
3. Remove Person
4. Find Oldest
Q. Quit
Enter Option: Q

Example Output (Task 6)

1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
3. Remove Person
4. Find Oldest
Q. Quit
Enter Option: 2

[1 Martin 42]
[2 Jenny 31]
[3 Alice 56]
[4 Freddie 18]

1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
3. Remove Person
4. Find Oldest
Q. Quit
Enter Option: 3
Enter Index: 2

1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
3. Remove Person
4. Find Oldest
Q. Quit
Enter Option: 2

1. Martin 42
2. Alice 56
3. Freddie 18

1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
3. Remove Person
4. Find Oldest
Q. Quit
Enter Option: Q

You should make sure that you handle a situation where the user enters an index greater than the number of people in the data structure.

You should shuffle data within the structure so there are no gaps when a user is removed. Remember you can refer back to lecture examples and similar code used during lab sessions. Note also that the index numbers in the output will reflect this shuffling of data, so they won't always refer to the same person.

Part 3

Task 7 - Refactored Program (Dynamic Data)

Implement this and subsequent tasks in the main_part3() function. You might like to copy the code from the previous part as a starting point.

Refactor the program so it uses a dynamic data structure. In other words, there is no limit on the number of people the program could store (assuming unlimited memory). The actual behaviour of the program won't change from the users perspective, but internally it will be very different.

You should use a dynamic data structure from the Standard Template Library, such as a vector. You should also use a corresponding STL iterator. Note that the vector class has an erase() function to remove items. Make full use of functions and algorithms from the STL where appropriate.

Task 8 - Sorting the Data

Add another menu option to sort the data in ascending order of age. Note that this will only sort the data, not display it. If the user wants to see the sorted list, they can select that option afterwards.

1. Add Person
2. List Everyone
3. Remove Person
4. Find Oldest
5. Sort Data
Q. Quit

You should use the full range of functions and algorithms provided by the Standard Template Library, and implement any necessary helper functions.

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