We discussed in class that binary trees are a natural representation of arithmetic expressions. For instance, the expression y * (4 + x * 0) can be represented by the following tree. see image.

In this assignment you will use tree structures to represent, simplify, and evaluate arithmetic expressions. This project has a lot of moving/interacting parts. You should read the entire assignment and develop a plan before you start writing code!

Part 0: Expression Trees

You will implement several classes representing different types of expression (i.e. different types of nodes). The class hierarchy is shown below. There are three abstract classes: Expression (superclass of them all), Operand (represents a number or a variable, a leaf of the tree), and OperatorExpression (represents an expression using an arithmetic operator, an internal node of the tree). Each OperatorExpression object has two Expression objects that represent its operands (its children). The rest of the classes are specific, concrete types of expression. see image.

Expression has two static methods:

  • expressionFromPostfix converts a prefix expression to an Expression
  • expressionFromInfix converts an infix expression to an Expression

The following methods are abstract and must be implemented by subclasses (more details in the subsequent instructions):

  • toPrefix returns the expression in prefix notation
  • toInfix returns the expression in fully parenthesized infix notation
  • toPostfix returns the expression in postfix notation
  • evaluate takes a HashMap that maps variables to values and evaluates the expression
  • simplify returns a new, (possibly) simpler Expression
  • getVariables returns a Set of the variables contained in the expression
  • equals compares Expressions, taking commutativity of + and * into account

You will implement all of these classes in Expression.java. You can have more than one class in a file, but only one public class; in this case Expression is the public class. As you can see, the class files have been provided with stubs for the methods so you should be able to compile and test even if you haven't written everything. You may not add any new classes or change the instance variables or public methods of the classes. You are encouraged to add protected methods and move public methods in the class hierarchy as you see fit in order to reduce code duplication.

Wait! Do not start coding yet!

There are a lot of classes and methods to write. You need to take them step by step and test as you go. Writing a bunch of code without testing is not going to end well! You might want to add a main function to Expression to contain your testing code and add to it as you progress.

You will need to take advantage of the class hierarchy to prevent code duplication. Think carefully about what functionality is common between the concrete classes and use the superclasses to hold that common functionality. You may add protected helper methods to the classes to help you out with this.

Got it? Are you ready to proceed in a careful, deliberate manner?

Part 1: expressionFromPostfix

Implement the static method expressionFromPostfix. It will take a postfix expression represented as an array of tokens, where each token is a String representing an integer, a variable, or an operator. The method should return an Expression object that is the root of a tree representing the given expression. So the list [y, 4, x, 0, *, +, *] should produce the tree shown above, where the root is a ProductExpression with a VariableOperand and a SumExpression as its operands.

Big Hint: Go back to the algorithm for evaluating a postfix expression. Building an expression tree is very similar. Instead of performing operations you should create tree nodes. Try it out by hand first!

A few notes:

  • You should assume that variable names start with a letter.
  • You need only support the operators +, , *, and /.
  • Integer operands might be negative...

You have been provided with a method, drawExpression. Just like in lab, this method takes a filename and creates a text file. That text file can be used to produce an image of the tree. For instance, if you have an Expression e and you call e.drawExpression(expr.dot) then it will create the file expr.dot. You can then, in the command line, run the command dot -Tpdf -o expr.pdf expr.dot to create the file expr.pdf, which should contain a picture of your tree.

You should make use of this capability to thoroughly test your method. Try it out on lots of different kinds of expressions and ensure that the trees it builds are correct.

Part 2: Traversals

Implement the toPrefix, toInfix, and toPostfix methods. These should be recursive as we have seen in class and lab, but note that you don't need an if-statement! You can implement the method differently in the different subclasses of Expression. Which classes represent the base case of the recursion?

Note that toInfix should return a fully parenthesized expression. So, for the tree above, it should return the string (y*(4+(x*0))).

Test out a variety of expression trees. Make sure you try out positive and negative integers, variables, all the operations, big trees, small trees, etc.

Once you have your traversals working you can try out the program Calculate.java, which is provided. Calculate expects a postfix expression with spaces separating the tokens. For instance, to build the example tree above, you should enter the string y 4 x 0 * + * when prompted. Right now all it will do is print out the expression you give it in the various formats. As you implement more methods you will complete its functionality.

Part 3: getVariables

Implement the method getVariables. It should return a Set of Strings, the variables contained in the expression. A Set is a collection that contains only one of any given item. You can think of it like an associative map where the values are always the same as the keys. So for the tree above, calling getVariables on the root should return a set containing the strings x and y. Calling it on the root's left child should return a set containing only y.

Java provides multiple concrete implementations of the Set interface. Your method should create and return a TreeSet. Guess what data structure underlies a TreeSet? It's a binary search tree! The methods of the Set interface you probably need the most are add and addAll. Look them up!

Now that you've implemented this, Calculate should prompt you for the values of the variables in the expression you give it. If it doesn't prompt you for all the variables in the expression, or if it prompts you for extra variables...something is wrong. It will then say that it is evaluating the expression, but it will just print out 0. That's because you haven't implemented evaluate yet!

Part 4: evaluate

Write the evaluate method. This method takes a HashMap that associates variable names with integer values. It should return the evaluation of the expression when the variables are replaced with their values. Note that division here is integer division, so the result should always be an integer.

For the above tree, if the variables are assigned x = 3, y = 4, then it should evaluate to 16.

Once this method is implemented Calculate should print out the correct value of the expression, given the values you have assigned to the variables. Again, you should test this on a variety of trees.

Part 5: expressionFromInfix

Implement the static method expressionFromInfix. It will take a infix expression represented as array of tokens, where each token is a String representing an integer, a variable, an open or closed parenthesis, or an operator. The method should return an Expression object that is the root of a tree representing the given expression. You may not assume that the expression is fully parenthesized.

Important rule: You may not convert the expression to postfix notation as an intermediate step. You must convert directly from infix notation to an expression tree.

This is a bit tricky, but you can do it. Here's a Big Hint. You need to interleave aspects of the shunting yard algorithm for converting from infix to postfix with the algorithm you already have for building a tree. Try doing a conversion from infix to postfix by hand and try to identify at what point in that process you can safely create a node in the tree, and what node it should be. Here's an Even Bigger Hint: you'll need two stacks...

Once this works, you should be able to use the infix option in Calculate.java. It expects spaces between the tokens (even parentheses). So to build the tree above, enter y * ( 4 + x * 0 ).

Part 6: equals

Implement the equals method. It takes an Object and should return true if that Object is an Expression object that represents the same expression as this.

You should pattern equals on examples we've seen before. For instance, you could go back to the Date.java example from the beginning of the semester. That said, unlike that example this method will have to be recursive, since two expressions can only be equal if their operands are equal!

There's one more wrinkle. Your equals method should take basic commutativity into account. Specifically, it should say that x + y is equal to y + x and that x * y is equal to y * x (where x and y might represent any arithmetic expressions). You do not need to handle more complicated cases like noticing that x + y + z is the same as z + x + y.

Part 7: simplify

The simplify method should return a new Expression that represents a (possibly) simplified version of this. Specifically, you should apply the following simplification rules:

  • x + 0 = x, 0 + x = x
  • x * 1 = x, 1 * x = x
  • x * 0 = 0, 0 * x = 0
  • 0/x = 0
  • x/x = 1
  • x x = 0
  • Any Expression whose (simplified) operands do not have any variables should simplify to a single IntegerOperand.

You do not need to handle more complicated cases (like noticing that 3 + (x + 4) can simplify to x + 7).

Once this is working, you should see that Calculate.java prints the correct simplified expression. For instance, the example above should simplify down to (y * 4).

Part 8: Code duplication

Hopefully you have been doing this all along, but look over your code for opportunities to make it more elegant. Take advantage of the class hierarchy to prevent code redundancy. Some hints:

  • Look for common functionality that is repeated in multiple methods and/or classes.
  • Put some implementation in the superclasses to be inherited by the subclasses.
  • Create protected helper methods that capture common functionality to avoid repeating it.
  • Make sure you keep testing as you make changes so you don't break anything!
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