Starter Code

#include< iostream >
#include< iomanip >
#include< string >

using namespace std;

// Name: getMenuChoice
// Parameters: choice: int, pass by reference so that the user's choice is changed when the function finishes
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: This function sets the parameter's choice value based on the user's integer response
void getMenuChoice(int &choice)
cout << "\nPlease choose an option (1-6): ";
cout << "\n [1] Choose seed type\n [2] Plant seed\n [3] Water Crops\n [4] Harvest & Sell Crops\n";
cout << " [5] Display Garden\n [6] Quit Program\n";
cout << "\nEnter choice: ";
cin >> choice;

while (choice < 1 || choice > 6)
cout << "\nInvalid Choice. Please choose an option (1-6): ";
cout << "\n [1] Choose seed type\n [2] Plant seed\n [3] Water Crops\n [4] Harvest & Sell Crops\n";
cout << " [5] Display Garden\n [6] Quit Program\n";
cout << "\nEnter choice: ";
cin >> choice;

// Name: chooseSeedType
// Parameters: seedType: string, pass by reference so that the type of seed is changed in main
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: This function sets the parameter's type of seed value based on the user's integer response
void chooseSeedType(string &seedType)
int seedNumber;

cout << "\nWhich seeds would you like to plant?\n";
cout << " [1] Potato\n [2] Beet\n [3] Wheat\n [4] Pumpkin\n [5] Tomato\n";
cin >> seedNumber;

while (seedNumber < 1 || seedNumber > 5)
cout << "Enter a valid number between 1 and 5: ";
cin >> seedNumber;

switch (seedNumber)
case 1:
seedType = "Potato";
case 2:
seedType = "Beet";
case 3:
seedType = "Wheat";
case 4:
seedType = "Pumpkin";
case 5:
seedType = "Tomato";
cout << "Error.";


// Name: getYorN
// Parameters: question: string, the Y or N question to ask
// Returns: char: the character the user entered. Must be 'y', 'Y', 'n', or 'N'
// Purpose: This function returns the user's response to a yes/no question
char getYorN(const string question)
char choice;

cout << question << " Enter Y or N: ";
cin >> choice;
choice = toupper(choice);

while (choice != 'Y' && choice != 'N')
cout << "Invalid character. Please enter either (Y) for yes or (N) for no.\n";
cout << question << " Enter Y or N: ";
cin >> choice;
choice = toupper(choice);

return choice;

// Name: setRowPrice
// Parameters: row: integer, pass by value, the current row
// seedType: string, pass by value, the current seed type
// currentPrice: float, pass by reference, the price of the current row
// numSeeds: int, pass by value, the number of seeds to plant
// row1Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the first row
// row2Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the second row
// row3Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the third row
// row4Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the fourth row
// row5Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the fifth row
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: This function gets the price of the whole row and adds it to ONE of the appropriate row cost variables.
void setRowPrice(const int row, const string seedType, float ¤tPrice, const int numSeeds, float &row1Cost,
float &row2Cost, float &row3Cost, float &row4Cost, float &row5Cost)
// Arbitrary prices for each of the seeds
if (seedType == "Potato")
currentPrice = (currentPrice + 4.99) * numSeeds;
else if (seedType == "Beet")
currentPrice = (currentPrice + 3.99) * numSeeds;
else if (seedType == "Wheat")
currentPrice = (currentPrice + 1.99) * numSeeds;
else if (seedType == "Pumpkin")
currentPrice = (currentPrice + 8.99) * numSeeds;
else // Tomato case
currentPrice = (currentPrice + 5.99) * numSeeds;

switch (row)
case 0:
row1Cost += currentPrice;
case 1:
row2Cost += currentPrice;
case 2:
row3Cost += currentPrice;
case 3:
row4Cost += currentPrice;
case 4:
row5Cost += currentPrice;

// Name: plantSeed
// Parameters: currentRow: integer, pass by value, the current row in the garden
// seedType: string, pass by value, the current seed type of the row
// crop1: string, pass by reference, the first row's seed type
// crop2: string, pass by reference, the second row's seed type
// crop3: string, pass by reference, the third row's seed type
// crop4: string, pass by reference, the fourth row's seed type
// crop5: string, pass by reference, the fifth row's seed type
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: This function sets the value for ONE of the appropriate global rowXCrop variable
void plantSeed(const int currentRow, string seedType, string &crop1, string &crop2, string &crop3, string &crop4,
string &crop5)
switch (currentRow)
case 0:
crop1 = seedType;
case 1:
crop2 = seedType;
case 2:
crop3 = seedType;
case 3:
crop4 = seedType;
case 4:
crop5 = seedType;

// Name: waterPlants
// Parameters: rows: integer, pass by reference, the total number of rows planted.
// allWatered: boolean, pass by reference, tells whether or not there is enough space to plant
// Returns: boolean - if true, then the crops are watered
// Purpose: This function sets the allWatered boolean to the appropriate value
bool waterPlants(int &rows, bool &allWatered)
allWatered = false;

if (rows > 0)
allWatered = true;
cout << "\n + . . * + \n";
cout << "* . . * + .\n";
cout << " Crops watered! * +\n";
cout << " . + . + .\n";
cout << " + . * * +\n\n";

return allWatered;

// Name: harvestCrops
// Parameters: crop1: string, pass by value, the first row's seed type.
// crop2: string, pass by value, the second row's seed type.
// crop3: string, pass by value, the third row's seed type.
// crop4: string, pass by value, the fourth row's seed type.
// crop5: string, pass by value, the fifth row's seed type.
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: This function outputs the harvested crops from the garden.
void harvestCrops(const string crop1, const string crop2, const string crop3, const string crop4, const string crop5)
cout << "\n-----------------------------------------";
cout << "\n= Crops Harvested =";
cout << "\n-----------------------------------------\n";

cout << "You harvested: ";

if (crop1 != "NA")
cout << crop1;

if (crop2 != "NA")
cout << ", " << crop2;

if (crop3 != "NA")
cout << ", " << crop3;

if (crop4 != "NA")
cout << ", " << crop4;

if (crop5 != "NA")
cout << ", " << crop5;

cout << endl;

// Name: sellHarvest
// Parameters: row1Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the first row
// row2Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the second row
// row3Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the third row
// row4Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the fourth row
// row5Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the fifth row
// Returns: HarvestPrice
// Purpose: This function returns the total value of the whole garden and resets each row's costs
float sellHarvest(float &row1Cost, float &row2Cost, float &row3Cost, float &row4Cost, float &row5Cost)
float harvestPrice = row1Cost + row2Cost + row3Cost + row4Cost + row5Cost;

row1Cost = 0.0;
row3Cost = 0.0;
row2Cost = 0.0;
row4Cost = 0.0;
row5Cost = 0.0;

return harvestPrice;

// Name: clearFields
// Parameters: crop1: string, pass by reference, the first row's seed type
// crop2: string, pass by reference, the second row's seed type
// crop3: string, pass by reference, the third row's seed type
// crop4: string, pass by reference, the fourth row's seed type
// crop5: string, pass by reference, the fifth row's seed type
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: This function resets the names of each row's crops to "NA"
void clearFields(string &crop1, string &crop2, string &crop3, string &crop4, string &crop5)
crop1 = "NA";
crop2 = "NA";
crop3 = "NA";
crop4 = "NA";
crop5 = "NA";

// Name: displayGarden
// Parameters: rowsTaken: integer, pass by value, the number of rows planted
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: To display the rows that are taken or empty.
void displayGarden(const int rowsTaken)
int currentRow = rowsTaken;
string EMPTY = "\n | o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o|";
string PLANTED = "\n | x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x|";

cout << "\n __________________________________________";
for (int row = 1; row <= 5; row++)
if (currentRow > 0)
cout << PLANTED;
cout << EMPTY;

cout << "\n ------------------------------------------";
cout << "\n o = empty\n x = planted\n";

// This is the main program that needs to be written
int main()
string row1Crop = "NA"; // Crop of the first row
string row2Crop = "NA"; // Crop of the second row
string row3Crop = "NA"; // Crop of the third row
string row4Crop = "NA"; // Crop of the fourth row
string row5Crop = "NA"; // Crop of the fifth row

float row1Cost = 0.0; // Cost of the first row
float row2Cost = 0.0; // Cost of the second row
float row3Cost = 0.0; // Cost of the third row
float row4Cost = 0.0; // Cost of the fourth row
float row5Cost = 0.0; // Cost of the fifth row

string currentSeedType = "EMPTY"; // Type of the current seed

int currentRow = 0; // Current row to plant the seeds
int choice = 0; // The user's choice
int numSeeds = 0; // Number of seeds per row
int totalHarvests = 0; // Number of total harvests

float totalPrice = 0.0; // The total price of all harvests
float harvestPrice = 0.0; // The price of a harvest, that will be added to total price after each harvest
float price = 0.0; // The price of each row

bool dontLeave = true; // to tell if user wants to quit program or not
bool allWatered = false; // to tell if ALL crops are watered before harvesting


return 0;


Complete the above code with the following pseudocode:

  • Loop until the user is done
    • Print the main menu to get the users choice for what they'd like to do
    • If user chooses 1, we get ask how many seeds the user wants to have (make sure to reiterate what type of seed they chose)
      • Use a loop to guarantee that the user enters a number between 1 and 21
    • If user chooses 2, this is where we plant seeds.
      • If user hasn't chosen a seed type yet, DON'T allow them to plant any seeds. Then check whether there is enough space in the garden function.
      • If enough space, then ask if they want fertilizer. If yes, set price to 1.99 before
      • calling setPrice() for the row's crops, otherwise set price to 0.0 before calling setPrice()
      • Finally, plant the seeds!
      • Display message telling them how many seeds they planted, the type of seed they planted, and how much money this row will make
      • Update the row number and notice that now, not all of our crops are watered...
      • Also, reset numSeeds and currentSeedType since you do not have any seeds left
    • If user chooses 3, water all crops to let them grow! If no crops to water, let user know of the error.
    • If user chooses 4, harvest the crops, sell all the rows, clear the fields, reset currentRow, and update the total amount of money and harvests. User can only harvest crops if all crops are watered.
    • If user chooses 5, display the garden.
    • If user chooses 6, quit the program.
  • When the user decides to quit the program, print out the total money the user earned, and number of harvests it took.
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