Goal: The goal of this assignment is to help students understand the concepts of Java Concurrency and Multi-threaded programming.

Description: The attached source code shows an example of a program that can sort a set of numbers using the top-down MergeSort 1 algorithm. In the given implementation, the program uses a single thread to sort the whole input. MergeSort is a sorting algorithm that can be easily parallelized due its divide-and- conquer nature 2 . On CPUs with multiple cores, multiple threads can speed up the sorting time, by splitting the work.

MergeSort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm. It divides input array in two halves, calls itself for the two halves and then merges the two sorted halves. The merge() function is used for merging two halves. The merge(arr, l, m, r) is key process that assumes that arr[l..m] and arr[m+1..r] are sorted and merges the two sorted sub- arrays into one.

The figure below shows how an array of size 7 is split into two halves and it continues like that until each subarray is of size one, at which point it starts merging. see image.

The following is a pseudocode of the mergeSort method:

mergeSort(arr[], l, r)
if r > l
Find the middle point to divide the array into two halves:
middle m = (l+r)/2
Call mergeSort for first half:
Call mergeSort(arr, l, m)
Call mergeSort for second half:
Call mergeSort(arr, m+1, r)
Merge the two halves sorted in step 2 and 3:
Call merge(arr, l, m, r)

The pseudocode above can be modified to allow mergeSort(arr, l, m) and mergeSort(arr, m+1, r) to run in parallel -> create new parallelMergeSort method in the new ParallelMergeSort class:

parallelMergeSort(arr[], l, r)
if r > l
if (avalableTreads <= 1)
mergeSort(arr[], l, r) // Call original non-paralel mergeSort
Find the middle point to divide the array into two halves:
middle m = (l+r)/2
Call parallelMergeSort(arr, l, m) in new thread
Call parallelMergeSort(arr, m+1, r) in new thread
Wait for threads to finish
Merge the two halves sorted in previous steps:
Call merge(arr, l, m, r)

Your parallelMergeSort method is recursive, and when you call parallelMergeSort recursively, you want to spawn two threads, start them, and check if they are finished to continue, and call merge to merge them together, similar to MergeSort. You want to keep the original mergeSort method, as this is the one you call if the nukber of available threads is 1.

Note that the pseudocode above uses the variable avalableTreads to decide whether to allocate a new thread or not based on the number of threads that has been made available to the program. That means that every time a new thread is created, the variable avalableTreads should be updated to reflect the number of threads that are still available.


1. Modify the MergeSorter class to convert it into a parallelized MergeSort that uses multiple threads to perform the sorting task. The maximum number of threads to be used should be passed as an argument to the sorting method. Your program should not allow more than the specified maximum number of threads to run in parallel. Call the modified class ParallelMergeSorter.

2. Modify the SortTester class provided to run some sorting simulations using the parallelized ParallelMergeSorter, to assess the possiblspeedup from using multiple threads, as opposed to a single thread. Call the modified class ParallelSortTester. Each experiment should time the sorting speed with different sizes of random number arrays, starting from an array of size 1000 and doubling the size of the array at each round, for 15 rounds (last round array size should be 16384000). Run the experiment with different number of threads starting from one thread and doubling the number of threads, up to the number of CPU cores available in your system. The number of cores available in your computer can be obtained from Java using the following statement Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();.

Sample output of ParallelSortTester:

1 threads:

1000 elements => 5 ms
2000 elements => 6 ms
4000 elements => 1 3ms
8000 elements => 26 ms
16000 elements => 5 ms
32000 elements => 10 ms
64000 elements => 14 ms
128000 elements => 23 ms
512000 elements => 107 ms
1024000 elements => 245 ms

2 threads:

1000 elements => 1 ms
2000 elements => 1 ms
4000 elements => 2 ms
8000 elements => 2 ms
16000 elements => 4 ms
32000 elements => 6 ms
64000 elements => 7 ms
128000 elements => 16 ms
256000 elements => 41 ms
512000 elements => 105 ms
1024000 elements => 155 ms

4 threads:

1000 elements => 1 ms
2000 elements => 1 ms
4000 elements => 1 ms
8000 elements => 1 ms
16000 elements => 3 ms
32000 elements => 6 ms
64000 elements => 66 ms
128000 elements => 12 ms
256000 elements => 33 ms
512000 elements => 54 ms
1024000 elements => 121 ms

8 threads:

1000 elements => 1 ms
2000 elements => 1 ms
4000 elements => 64 ms
8000 elements => 1 ms
16000 elements => 2 ms
32000 elements => 3 ms
64000 elements => 7 ms
128000 elements => 18 ms
256000 elements => 22 ms
512000 elements => 43 ms
1024000 elements => 104 ms
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