In a single-file project called, code a user-defined class called Cashiers that consists of:

  • A 3 x 6 integer matrix to store numbers of up to 6 customers in the lines (queues) of 3 cashiers
  • Two arrays, front and back, each of size 3, to follow a circular queue protocol
  • An array, currentSize, of size 3, to keep track of the size of each line
  • A single variable customer, initially 1, which increments every time a new customer joins a queue.

The following methods need to be coded for this class:

  • A constructor Cashiers()
  • clear()
  • fill()
  • display()
  • int dequeue(int which), where which is the queue number 0, 1, or 2
  • boolean enqueue(), which picks the shortest queue (if a tie, the lowest number)

Use the Cashiers class also to contain a main method that repeatedly asks the user:

Input command E or 1 or 2 or 3 or F or C or Q

Permit lower case by converting to upper case. Validate with the message

Invalid input!

if the user does not input one of these 7 options. Here are the actions that need to be coded, using one object of the user-defined class Cashiers:

  • E = enqueuer, using the shortest queue (if a tie, use the lowest-numbered queue)
  • 1, 2, or 3 = dequeuer from queue 0, 1, or 2.
  • F = clear all queues and then fill up again
  • C = clear all queues
  • Q = quit

After each input, display the data structure again. Here is a sample display:

0 4F 7 10B 0 0
0 0 8F 11B 0 0
3F 6 9 12B 0 0

For each entry, give the customer number (0) if location not used, and list F or B or FB after the number as appropriate, where F labels the front and B the back of the queue.

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