Write a C++ program to design and implement a class for rational numbers as outlined in Chapter 6 of your textbook. In your implementation include the following member and friend functions for this class:

  • Rational ( const int& n = 0, const int& d = 1 ): This public constructor is used to create a Rational object with the numerator n and denominator d. If d = 0, it prints out an error message on stderr, but it doesnt stop the execution of the program. To reduce a Rational number to its lowest terms, it calls the private member function: int gcd ( int x, int y ) that returns the greatest common divisor of the arguments x and y.
  • Rational ( const Rational& r ): This public copy constructor is used to create a Rational object from the copy of the Rational object r.
  • Rational& operator= ( const Rational& r ): This public assignment operator overwrites an existing Rational object with the copy of the Rational object r.
  • Rational& operator+= ( const Rational& r ), Rational& operator= ( const Rational& r ), Rational& operator*= ( const Rational& r ), and Rational& operator /= ( const Rational& r ): These four public member functions overload the operators +=, =, *=, and /= operators, respectively, for the Rational class.
  • Rational& operator++ ( ) and Rational& operator ( ): These two public member functions overload the pre-increment (++) and pre-decrement ( ) operators, respectively, for the Rational class.
  • Rational operator++ ( int unused ) and Rational operator -- ( int unused ): These two public member functions overload the post-increment (++) and post- decrement (--) operators, respectively, for the Rational class. Note: To differentiate between the pre- and post- versions of the operators ( ++ ) and (--), an unused argument is included in the post-versions of these operators.
  • friend Rational operator+ ( const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2 ), friend Rational operator ( const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2 ), friend Rational operator* ( const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2 ), and friend Rational operator/ ( const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2 ): These four friend functions overload the arithmetic operators +, , *, and /, respectively, for the Rational class.
  • friend bool operator== ( const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2 ), friend bool operator!= ( const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2 ), friend bool operator< ( const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2 ), friend bool operator<= ( const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2 ), friend bool operator> ( const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2 ), and friend bool operator>= ( const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2 ): These six friend functions overload the relational operators ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >=, respectively, for the Rational class.
  • friend ostream& operator<< ( ostream& os, const Rational& r ): This friend function overloads the stream insertion operator ( << ) for the Rational class. It can be used to print out the Rational number r with the numerator num and denominator den as num/den on the output stream os, and if den = 1, it only prints out num.
  • friend istream& operator>> ( istream& is, Rational& r ): This friend function overloads the stream extraction operator ( >> ) for the Rational class. It can be used to read the Rational number r from the input stream is, where each Rational number is given on a separate line with its three arguments: numerator, separator ( / ), and denominator, separated one or more white spaces. If a line in is does not contain a valid Rational number, it prints out an error message on stderr, but it doesnt stop the execution of the program.

Put the definition of the Rational class in the header file Rational.h and the implementations of its functions in the source file Rational.cc, and at the top of your source file, insert the statement: #include Rational.h.

A driver program is supplied to test your Rational class. The source file of the driver program is prog8.cc, in directory: ~cs340/progs/17f/p8. To use the source file with your Rational class, make a link from your program directory. To compile the source files prog8.cc and Rational.cc, and link their object files with the system library routines, execute: Make N=8. To test your program, execute: Make execute N=8. The input file prog8.d and the correct output file prog8.out are also located in the same directory with prog8.cc.

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