
Write a Java library to retrieve and transform an XML based traffic incident feed to a JSON version of that feed.

Input Format

< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< incident>
< ti table='120' tv='2Q2016' fv='1.0' at='2019-03-31T21:12:15Z'>
< ev>
< id>23317403< /id>
< ec>702< /ec>
< se>3< /se>
< loc type='geo'>
< geo lon='-74.00625' lat='40.717075'/>
< addr>Worth St< /addr>
< /loc>
< valid start='2019-02-10T05:00:00Z'
< text lang='e'>In Manhattan, major road construction on Worth
St between W Broadway and Church St.< /text>
< delay>8< /delay>
< /ev>
< ev>
< id>24049284< /id>
< ec>701< /ec>
< se>2< /se>
< loc type='tmc'>
< start id='16078' dir='+' offset='86' extent='14'/>
< /loc>
< valid start='2019-03-02T05:00:00Z'
< text lang='e'>In Bronx, road construction on Creston Ave
between Minerva Pl and E 198th St.< /text>
< delay>0< /delay>
< /ev>
< /ti>
< /incident>

Field Description
id A unique ID for the incident.
ec Event code.
se Severity.
loc Each traffic incident, ev, has one of two location types, "geo" or "tmc". For "geo" the location is given in coordinates. For "tmc" the location is given by a reference to the road by a map ID (and other additional information).
valid The start and end times of the incident.
text A plain text description of the incident.

Feed URL: https://sxm-dataservices-samples.s3.amazonaws.com/incidents.xml.gz

Output Format

“locations”: [
"​_id​": ​"224155332"​,
"​description​": ​"In Greenview No. 16, animals on roadway on AB-40 EB
etween Forestry Trunk Rd and Pierre Greys Lake Rd."​,
"​geo​": ​{
"​type​": ​"Point"​,
"​coordinates​": ​[
"​roadName​": ​"AB-40"​,
"​eventCode​": ​922​,
"​severity​": ​2​,
"​validStart​": ​"2018-10-26T13:39:58.000Z"​,
"​validEnd​": ​"2019-07-20T00:51:19.000Z"​,
"​type​": ​"TrafficIncident"​,
"​lastUpdated​": ​"2019-07-20T00:23:12.748Z"
"​_id​": ​"223155366"​,
"​description​": ​"In Gibson, object on roadway on PA-120 EB between Church
t and Church St."​,
"​tmc​": ​{
"​table​": ​4​,
"​id​": ​12915​,
"​direction​": ​"+"​,
"​eventCode​": ​61​,
"​severity​": ​2​,
"​validStart​": ​"2018-03-28T21:27:14.000Z"​,
"​validEnd​": ​"2019-07-20T00:54:26.000Z"​,
"​type​": ​"TrafficIncident"​,
"​lastUpdated​": ​"2019-07-20T00:26:16.321Z"

Field Source Field Description
_id id
description text
geo loc.geo id "geo" GeoJSON formatted location
tmc loc.start if "tmc" table is determined by the value in the "table" attribute in the parent < ti> element
eventCode ec
severity se
validStart validStart
validEnd validEnd
type Always "TrafficIncident"
lastUpdated The time the output file was generated formatted as ISO 8601


  • Assume your library will be used in a production environment. It should be structured and written to be maintainable, flexible and extensible. Anything you wouldn't normally do in such a situation please make note of in a comment (its fine, this is just an exercise and we wont really be using it in a production environment).
  • All code must be Java 8 compatible. Please use any Java 8 features where appropriate (Lambdas, Generics, concurrency, etc.). But, don't use them just to use them.
  • Use any 3rd party open source library you would like.
  • You library should retrieve the data from the URL. Do not simply download the static file and package it with your library or assume it will exist locally.
  • Provide a main() method that demonstrates the usage of your library.
  • Provide a build script that produces a runnable JAR file (e.g. java -jar transform.jar).
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