Introduction. This homework is the culmination of the first half of the course's content, incorporating linked data structures, magic methods, and algorithms whose runtimes and big O's we will examine in class. You will be implementing Node and BST classes. The BST class is a linked implementation of a binary search tree built from Node objects. The rules of binary search trees are (a recursive definition):

  • The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with data lesser than the node's datum.
  • The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with data greater than the node's datum.
  • The left and right subtrees each must also be binary search trees.

Special note: almost all of the tests depend on the previously tested methods working correctly.

Instructions. Create a module named Below is the spec for two classes containing eleven methods between them and a function. Implement them and upload your module to the D2L Assignments folder.

Testing. Download and auxiliary files and put them in the same folder as your module. Run it from the command line to see your current correctness score. Each of the 11 methods and the function is worth 8.3% of your correctness score. You can examine the test module in a text editor to understand better what your code should do. The test module is part of the spec. The test file we will use to grade your program will be different and may uncover failings in your work not evident upon testing with the provided file. Add any necessary tests to make sure your code works in all cases.

class Node:

init: init takes one argument. It initializes an instance variable called datum to the argument, and instance variables left and right to None.

add: Insert a new item (this method's sole argument) into the subtree that has self as its root, if the item is not already in the tree. Do this such that the rules of binary search trees are maintained (see Introduction) after insertion. Here is some code to get you started:

if item < self.datum:
if self.left:
self.left + item

Where is the recursion?

contains: This magic method takes an item and returns True if the item is in the subtree that has self as its root, False otherwise. What built-in Python functionality do you think this enables?

sort: Takes a list and appends the data in the subtree that has self as its root in sorted order.

eq: Takes a Node object as an argument. Return True if the subtrees that has self and other as their roots have the same shape and the corresponding Node objects have the same data.

class BST:

init: init takes one argument with a default value of None. If the argument is None, set self.root to None. Otherwise, initialize self.root to a Node containing the argument.

add: Insert a new item (this method's sole argument) into self.

from_file: This classmethod takes a filename and a type (e.g. int, str, float, etc.) with a default value of None. Make a tree, open the file, add the value on each line to the tree, casting it first to the type argument if it is not None. Return the tree.

contains: This magic method takes an item and returns True if the item is in self, False otherwise.

sort: Return a list of the data in self in sorted order.

eq: Takes a BST object as an argument. Return True if self and other have equal root Nodes.

Function Specifications:

selection_sort: Takes a list and sorts it in place. Do not use any built-in sorting functionality. Go through the list, find the location of the smallest element, and swap it with the element in the first position. Starting from the second position, go through the list

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