Linked Bag

  • Please change only files: LinkedBag340.cpp and Include.h, no other files.
  • We are to implement 8 small additional functions and 2 helper functions to the Linked Bag.
  • Our programs must produce identical output to the output in the 2 sample runs: Asmt03_Run1.txt and Asmt03_Run2.txt
  • Our Test 9's output must also be identical to the sample output excepts the random values.
  • Our Test 9's random values in our 2 sample runs output must be different.

Descriptions of the 8 functions:

Please ask questions, if any, during the in-class discussions and demos for this assignment.

  • removeSecondNode340 deletes the second node in the Linked Bag.
  • addEnd340 inserts the new node at the end of the Linked Bag.
  • getCurrentSize340Iterative counts the number of nodes in the Linked Bag iteratively.
  • getCurrentSize340Recursive counts the number of nodes in the Linked Bag recursively. Use 1 helper function:
    • getCurrentSize340RecursiveHelper
  • IMMEDIATE RECURSION: getCurrentSize340RecursiveNoHelper counts the number of nodes in the Linked Bag recursively. This recursive function does not use any helper functions.
  • getFrequencyOf340Recursive recursively counts the number of times an entry appears in the Linked Bag. Use 1 helper function: getFrequencyOf340RecursiveHelper.
  • IMMEDIATE RECURSION: getFrequencyOf340RecursiveNoHelper recursively counts the number of times an entry appears in the Linked Bag. This recursive function does not use any helper functions.
  • removeRandom340 removes a random entry from the Linked Bag.

Linked Bag, Smart Pointers Version.

Create a Smart Pointers version of your PART B's Linked Bag:

  • Please create a copy of your entire PART B solution and name it: PartC_SmartPointers.
  • Then go through all the files, not just LinkedBag340.cpp, and use smart pointers properly where it is possible.
  • In your assignment report, list the file names and the line numbers in which you use smart pointers. For each smart pointer, explain in 3 or more sentences why it is a proper use.
  • This Smart Pointers version must work properly and produce identical output like that of your PART B version.
  • Please add a destructor so that the program displays when object(s) get destroyed.

Starter Code


// BagInterface.h
// Created by Frank M. Carrano and Timothy M. Henry.
// Updated by Duc Ta
// Copyright (c) 2017 Pearson Education, Hoboken, New Jersey.

#pragma once
#include < vector>


template< typename ItemType>
class BagInterface {
// Remove the second node
virtual bool removeSecondNode340() = 0;

// Add a node to the end of the linked list
virtual bool addEnd340(const ItemType&) = 0;

// getCurrentSize() - Iterative
virtual int getCurrentSize340Iterative() const = 0;

// getCurrentSize() - Recursive
virtual int getCurrentSize340Recursive() const = 0;

// getCurrentSize() - Recursive
virtual int getCurrentSize340RecursiveNoHelper() const = 0;

// getFrequencyOf340Recursive() - Recursive
virtual int getFrequencyOf340Recursive(const ItemType&) const = 0;

// getFrequencyOf340Recursive() - Recursive
virtual int getFrequencyOf340RecursiveNoHelper(const ItemType&) const = 0;

// Remove a random node
virtual ItemType removeRandom340() = 0;

// Gets the current number of entries in this bag.
virtual int getCurrentSize() const = 0;

// Sees whether this bag is empty.
virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;

// Adds a new entry to this bag.
virtual bool add(const ItemType&) = 0;

// Removes one occurrence of a given entry from this bag, if possible.
virtual bool remove(const ItemType&) = 0;

// Removes all entries from this bag.
virtual void clear() = 0;

// Counts the number of times a given entry appears in bag.
virtual int getFrequencyOf(const ItemType&) const = 0;

// Tests whether this bag contains a given entry.
virtual bool contains(const ItemType&) const = 0;

// Empties and then fills a given vector with all entries that are in this bag.
virtual std::vector< ItemType> toVector() const = 0;

// Destroys object and frees memory allocated by object.
virtual ~BagInterface() { }
}; // end BagInterface


// LinkedBag.cpp
// Created by Frank M. Carrano and Timothy M. Henry.
// Updated by Duc Ta
// Copyright (c) 2017 Pearson Education, Hoboken, New Jersey.

#include < cstddef>
#include "Node.h"
#include "LinkedBag.h"


template< typename ItemType>
LinkedBag< ItemType>::LinkedBag() : headPtr(nullptr), itemCount(0) {}

template< typename ItemType>
LinkedBag< ItemType>::LinkedBag(const LinkedBag< ItemType>& aBag) {
itemCount = aBag.itemCount;
Node< ItemType>* origChainPtr = aBag.headPtr;

if (origChainPtr == nullptr) {
headPtr = nullptr;
else {
headPtr = new Node< ItemType>();

Node< ItemType>* newChainPtr = headPtr;
origChainPtr = origChainPtr->getNext();

while (origChainPtr != nullptr)
ItemType nextItem = origChainPtr->getItem();
Node< ItemType>* newNodePtr = new Node< ItemType>(nextItem);
newChainPtr = newChainPtr->getNext();
origChainPtr = origChainPtr->getNext();


template< typename ItemType>
LinkedBag< ItemType>::~LinkedBag() {

template< typename ItemType>
bool LinkedBag< ItemType>::isEmpty() const {
return itemCount == 0;

template< typename ItemType>
int LinkedBag< ItemType>::getCurrentSize() const {
return itemCount;

template< typename ItemType>
bool LinkedBag< ItemType>::add(const ItemType& newEntry) {
Node< ItemType>* nextNodePtr = new Node< ItemType>();
headPtr = nextNodePtr;
return true;

template< typename ItemType>
std::vector< ItemType> LinkedBag< ItemType>::toVector() const {
std::vector< ItemType> bagContents;
Node< ItemType>* curPtr = headPtr;
int counter = 0;

while ((curPtr != nullptr) && (counter < itemCount)) {
curPtr = curPtr->getNext();

return bagContents;

template< typename ItemType>
bool LinkedBag< ItemType>::remove(const ItemType& anEntry) {
Node< ItemType>* entryNodePtr = getPointerTo(anEntry);
bool canRemoveItem = !isEmpty() && (entryNodePtr != nullptr);

if (canRemoveItem) {
Node< ItemType>* nodeToDeletePtr = headPtr;
headPtr = headPtr->getNext();

delete nodeToDeletePtr;
nodeToDeletePtr = nullptr;


return canRemoveItem;

template< typename ItemType>
void LinkedBag< ItemType>::clear() {
Node< ItemType>* nodeToDeletePtr = headPtr;

while (headPtr != nullptr) {
headPtr = headPtr->getNext();
delete nodeToDeletePtr;
nodeToDeletePtr = headPtr;

itemCount = 0;

template< typename ItemType>
int LinkedBag< ItemType>::getFrequencyOf(const ItemType& anEntry) const {
int frequency = 0;
int counter = 0;
Node< ItemType>* curPtr = headPtr;

while ((curPtr != nullptr) && (counter < itemCount)) {
if (anEntry == curPtr->getItem()) {
curPtr = curPtr->getNext();

return frequency;

template< typename ItemType>
bool LinkedBag< ItemType>::contains(const ItemType& anEntry) const {
return (getPointerTo(anEntry) != nullptr);

template< typename ItemType>
Node< ItemType>* LinkedBag< ItemType>::getPointerTo(const ItemType& anEntry) const {
bool found = false;
Node< ItemType>* curPtr = headPtr;

while (!found && (curPtr != nullptr)) {
if (anEntry == curPtr->getItem()) {
found = true;
else {
curPtr = curPtr->getNext();

return curPtr;


// LinkedBag.h
// Created by Frank M. Carrano and Timothy M. Henry.
// Updated by Duc Ta
// Copyright (c) 2017 Pearson Education, Hoboken, New Jersey.

#pragma once
#include "Node.cpp"
#include "BagInterface.h"


template< typename ItemType>
class LinkedBag : public BagInterface< ItemType> {

bool removeSecondNode340();
bool addEnd340(const ItemType&);
int getCurrentSize340Iterative() const;
int getCurrentSize340Recursive() const;
int getCurrentSize340RecursiveNoHelper() const;
int getFrequencyOf340Recursive(const ItemType&) const;
int getFrequencyOf340RecursiveNoHelper(const ItemType&) const;
ItemType removeRandom340();
int getCurrentSize340RecursiveHelper(Node< ItemType>*) const; // if needed
int getFrequencyOf340RecursiveHelper(Node< ItemType>*, const ItemType&) const; // if needed

LinkedBag(const LinkedBag< ItemType>&);
virtual ~LinkedBag();
int getCurrentSize() const;
bool isEmpty() const;
bool add(const ItemType&);
bool remove(const ItemType&);
void clear();
bool contains(const ItemType&) const;
int getFrequencyOf(const ItemType&) const;
std::vector< ItemType> toVector() const;

Node< ItemType>* headPtr{ nullptr }; // Pointer to first node
int itemCount{ 0 }; // Current count of bag items

// pointer to the node or the null pointer
Node< ItemType>* getPointerTo(const ItemType&) const;


// LinkedBagClient340.cpp
// Created by: Duc Ta

#include "Include.h"


void displayBag(const unique_ptr< LinkedBag< string>>&);

int main() {

cout < < "----- LINKED BAG 340 C++-----" < < endl < < endl;

// 1. Create a bag and add initial nodes
cout < < "--->>>>> Test 1 --->>>>>" < < endl;
unique_ptr< LinkedBag< string>> bag { make_unique < LinkedBag< string>>() };

// A small vector of small objects to test the bag
vector< string> items { "#-END", "5-FIVE", "4-FOUR", "4-FOUR", "3-THREE", "2-TWO", "1-ONE", "0-ZERO", "#-BEGIN" };
cout < < " !add()... ";
vector< string>::const_iterator cItr;
for (cItr = items.begin(); cItr != items.end(); cItr++) {
cout < < *cItr < < " ";
bool success = bag->add(*cItr);
if ( !success) {
cout < < " !add() FAILED: " < < *cItr < < endl;

// 2. Remove the second node
cout < < "\n--->>>>> Test 2 --->>>>>";
cout < < "\n !removeSecondNode340()... ";
cout < < "\n !removeSecondNode340()... ";
cout < < "\n !removeSecondNode340()... ";
cout < < "\n !removeSecondNode340()... ";

// 3. Add a node to the end of the linked list
cout < < "\n--->>>>> Test 3 --->>>>>";
cout < < "\n !addEnd340()... ";
cout < < "\n !addEnd340()... ";
cout < < "\n !addEnd340()... ";
cout < < "\n !addEnd340()... ";

// 4. getCurrentSize() - Iterative
cout < < "\n--->>>>> Test 4 --->>>>>";
cout < < "\n !getCurrentSize340Iterative - Iterative... ";
cout < < "\n ---> Current size: " < < bag->getCurrentSize340Iterative();

// 5. getCurrentSize() - Recursive
cout < < "\n--->>>>> Test 5 --->>>>>";
cout < < "\n !getCurrentSize340Recursive() - Recursive... ";
cout < < "\n ---> Current size: " < < bag->getCurrentSize340Recursive();

// 6. getCurrentSize() - Recursive w/ no helper function
cout < < "\n--->>>>> Test 6 --->>>>>";
cout < < "\n !getCurrentSize340RecursiveNoHelper() - Recursive... ";
cout < < "\n ---> Current size: " < < bag->getCurrentSize340RecursiveNoHelper();

// 7. getFrequencyOf() - Recursive
cout < < "\n--->>>>> Test 7 --->>>>>";

cout < < "\n !getFrequencyOf()... ";
cout < < "\n ---> 0-ZERO: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf("0-ZERO");
cout < < "\n ---> 1-ONE: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf("1-ONE");
cout < < "\n ---> 2-TWO: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf("2-TWO");
cout < < "\n ---> 4-FOUR: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf("4-FOUR");
cout < < "\n ---> 9-NINE: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf("9-NINE");

cout < < "\n !getFrequencyOf340Recursive() - Recursive... ";
cout < < "\n ---> 0-ZERO: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf340Recursive("0-ZERO");
cout < < "\n ---> 1-ONE: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf340Recursive("1-ONE");
cout < < "\n ---> 2-TWO: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf340Recursive("2-TWO");
cout < < "\n ---> 4-FOUR: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf340Recursive("4-FOUR");
cout < < "\n ---> 9-NINE: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf340Recursive("9-NINE");

// 8. getFrequencyOf() - Recursive w/ no helper fuction
cout < < "\n--->>>>> Test 8 --->>>>>";
cout < < "\n !getFrequencyOf340RecursiveNoHelper() - Recursive... ";
cout < < "\n ---> 0-ZERO: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf340RecursiveNoHelper("0-ZERO");
cout < < "\n ---> 1-ONE: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf340RecursiveNoHelper("1-ONE");
cout < < "\n ---> 2-TWO: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf340RecursiveNoHelper("2-TWO");
cout < < "\n ---> 4-FOUR: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf340RecursiveNoHelper("4-FOUR");
cout < < "\n ---> 9-NINE: " < < bag->getFrequencyOf340RecursiveNoHelper("9-NINE");

// 9. Remove a random node
cout < < "\n--->>>>> Test 9 --->>>>>";
cout < < "\n !removeRandom340() ---> " < < bag->removeRandom340();
cout < < "\n !removeRandom340() ---> " < < bag->removeRandom340();
cout < < "\n !removeRandom340() ---> " < < bag->removeRandom340();
cout < < "\n !removeRandom340() ---> " < < bag->removeRandom340();
cout < < "\n !removeRandom340() ---> " < < bag->removeRandom340();
cout < < "\n !removeRandom340() ---> " < < bag->removeRandom340();
cout < < "\n !removeRandom340() ---> " < < bag->removeRandom340();
cout < < "\n !removeRandom340() ---> " < < bag->removeRandom340();

cout < < endl;
return 0;

// Display the current contents in the bag
void displayBag(const unique_ptr< LinkedBag< string>>& bag) {
cout < < "\n !Display bag: ";
auto bagItems = make_unique< vector< string>>(bag->toVector());

vector< string>::const_iterator cItr;
for (cItr = bagItems->begin(); cItr != bagItems->end(); cItr++) {
cout < < *cItr < < " ";

cout < < "\n -----------> " < < bagItems->size() < < " item(s) total";
cout < < endl;


// Node.cpp
// Created by Frank M. Carrano and Timothy M. Henry.
// Updated by Duc Ta
// Copyright (c) 2017 Pearson Education, Hoboken, New Jersey.

#include "Node.h"


template< typename ItemType>
Node< ItemType>::Node() : item(), next(nullptr) {}

template< typename ItemType>
Node< ItemType>::Node(const ItemType& anItem) : item(anItem), next(nullptr) {}

template< typename ItemType>
Node< ItemType>::Node(const ItemType& anItem, Node< ItemType>* nextNodePtr) :
item(anItem), next(nextNodePtr) {}

template< typename ItemType>
void Node< ItemType>::setItem(const ItemType& anItem) {
item = anItem;

template< typename ItemType>
void Node< ItemType>::setNext(Node< ItemType>* nextNodePtr) {
next = nextNodePtr;

template< typename ItemType>
ItemType Node< ItemType>::getItem() const {
return item;

template< typename ItemType>
Node< ItemType>* Node< ItemType>::getNext() const {
return next;


// Node.h
// Created by Frank M. Carrano and Timothy M. Henry.
// Updated by Duc Ta
// Copyright (c) 2017 Pearson Education, Hoboken, New Jersey.

#pragma once


template< typename ItemType>
class Node {
Node(const ItemType&);
Node(const ItemType&, Node< ItemType>*);
void setItem(const ItemType&);
void setNext(Node< ItemType>*);
ItemType getItem() const;
Node< ItemType>* getNext() const;

ItemType item{}; // A data item
Node< ItemType>* next{ nullptr }; // Pointer to next node


----- LINKED BAG 340 C++-----

--->>>>> Test 1 --->>>>>
!add()... #-END 5-FIVE 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 3-THREE 2-TWO 1-ONE 0-ZERO #-BEGIN
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 0-ZERO 1-ONE 2-TWO 3-THREE 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 2 --->>>>>
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 2-TWO 3-THREE 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END
-----------> 7 item(s) total

!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END
-----------> 5 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 3 --->>>>>
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR
-----------> 7 item(s) total

!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 4 --->>>>>
!getCurrentSize340Iterative - Iterative...
---> Current size: 9
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 5 --->>>>>
!getCurrentSize340Recursive() - Recursive...
---> Current size: 9
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 6 --->>>>>
!getCurrentSize340RecursiveNoHelper() - Recursive...
---> Current size: 9
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 7 --->>>>>
---> 0-ZERO: 1
---> 1-ONE: 0
---> 2-TWO: 0
---> 4-FOUR: 3
---> 9-NINE: 2
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

!getFrequencyOf340Recursive() - Recursive...
---> 0-ZERO: 1
---> 1-ONE: 0
---> 2-TWO: 0
---> 4-FOUR: 3
---> 9-NINE: 2
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 8 --->>>>>
!getFrequencyOf340RecursiveNoHelper() - Recursive...
---> 0-ZERO: 1
---> 1-ONE: 0
---> 2-TWO: 0
---> 4-FOUR: 3
---> 9-NINE: 2
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 9 --->>>>>
!removeRandom340() ---> 4-FOUR
!removeRandom340() ---> 9-NINE
!Display bag: 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 7 item(s) total

!removeRandom340() ---> #-BEGIN
!removeRandom340() ---> 4-FOUR
!Display bag: #-END 5-FIVE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 5 item(s) total

!removeRandom340() ---> 9-NINE
!removeRandom340() ---> #-END
!Display bag: 4-FOUR 5-FIVE 0-ZERO
-----------> 3 item(s) total

!removeRandom340() ---> 0-ZERO
!removeRandom340() ---> 5-FIVE
!Display bag: 4-FOUR
-----------> 1 item(s) total


----- LINKED BAG 340 C++-----

--->>>>> Test 1 --->>>>>
!add()... #-END 5-FIVE 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 3-THREE 2-TWO 1-ONE 0-ZERO #-BEGIN
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 0-ZERO 1-ONE 2-TWO 3-THREE 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 2 --->>>>>
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 2-TWO 3-THREE 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END
-----------> 7 item(s) total

!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END
-----------> 5 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 3 --->>>>>
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR
-----------> 7 item(s) total

!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 4 --->>>>>
!getCurrentSize340Iterative - Iterative...
---> Current size: 9
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 5 --->>>>>
!getCurrentSize340Recursive() - Recursive...
---> Current size: 9
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 6 --->>>>>
!getCurrentSize340RecursiveNoHelper() - Recursive...
---> Current size: 9
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 7 --->>>>>
---> 0-ZERO: 1
---> 1-ONE: 0
---> 2-TWO: 0
---> 4-FOUR: 3
---> 9-NINE: 2
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

!getFrequencyOf340Recursive() - Recursive...
---> 0-ZERO: 1
---> 1-ONE: 0
---> 2-TWO: 0
---> 4-FOUR: 3
---> 9-NINE: 2
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 8 --->>>>>
!getFrequencyOf340RecursiveNoHelper() - Recursive...
---> 0-ZERO: 1
---> 1-ONE: 0
---> 2-TWO: 0
---> 4-FOUR: 3
---> 9-NINE: 2
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 4-FOUR 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-END 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 9 item(s) total

--->>>>> Test 9 --->>>>>
!removeRandom340() ---> #-END
!removeRandom340() ---> 4-FOUR
!Display bag: 4-FOUR 5-FIVE #-BEGIN 9-NINE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 7 item(s) total

!removeRandom340() ---> 4-FOUR
!removeRandom340() ---> 9-NINE
!Display bag: #-BEGIN 5-FIVE 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 5 item(s) total

!removeRandom340() ---> 5-FIVE
!removeRandom340() ---> #-BEGIN
!Display bag: 4-FOUR 9-NINE 0-ZERO
-----------> 3 item(s) total

!removeRandom340() ---> 9-NINE
!removeRandom340() ---> 4-FOUR
!Display bag: 0-ZERO
-----------> 1 item(s) total
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