The Skylight Cafe at HFC has decided to employ students to deliver lunch to staff on campus. You can find the menu and pricing at:

Create a GUI/swing application that allows the staffer to select the breakfast or lunch menu. From there, allow the user to use a GUI control to select the item(s) they want delivered to their office and approximate time they would like delivery.

The program should allow the user to veritfy that the order, price, time, and office location for delivery are accurate before completing the order.

Of course, since this is the beta version of our new service, we will only be using CIS Instructors and Offices for the orders while we work the "bugs" out, so you will need to somehow maintain a list of instructor names and office numbers!

Your program should have at least one super class with subclasses. You may have as many classes as you need, but I will be grading on the following:

  • Comments
  • Overall professional look and feel - no typos, grammar errors, etc.
  • Proper use of the date/time class
  • Proper use of the date/time class
  • Proper use of inheritance
  • TWO exception classes that will allow the program to recover and continue
  • Contain at least one Lambda expression
  • Proper use of JFrame controls (textfields, radio buttons, check boxes, etc), including a layout manager.
Academic Honesty!
It is not our intention to break the school's academic policy. Posted solutions are meant to be used as a reference and should not be submitted as is. We are not held liable for any misuse of the solutions. Please see the frequently asked questions page for further questions and inquiries.
Kindly complete the form. Please provide a valid email address and we will get back to you within 24 hours. Payment is through PayPal, Buy me a Coffee or Cryptocurrency. We are a nonprofit organization however we need funds to keep this organization operating and to be able to complete our research and development projects.