• Create a Country class that implements the interface Measurable.
    • A country has the name (String) of the country and its land's surface area (double).
    • The method getMeasurement should return the surface area.
  • You are given the interface Measurable and driver class MeasurableTester
  • Make sure the driver, MeasurableTester works with you new Country class.


  • Modify the Measurable interface by writing code for the static interface method: public static Measurable max(Measurable[] list) This method returns the object from the list that has the largest (measurable) value.
  • Uncomment the section for Part 2 in the MeasurableTester that calls the new method on the given array of countries, and prints out the largest Country in the array.


  • Modify the Country class to implement the Java API's Comparable Interface based on the surface area
  • Recall the Comparable interface from the lecture slides or refer to (Links to an external site.) to know how to implement the abstract method.
  • At the class declaration line, use: implements Comparable
  • Write code implementation for the method: public int compareTo(Country c)
  • Note: You are comparing each Country object's surface area to the other
  • Uncomment MeasurableTester code for part 3.
  • Make sure the countries printed out are in order now!
  • Arrays.sort is an API method that sorts elements in an array that has implemented the Comparable interface.
  • In class, we used Collections.sort, an API method that sorts elements stored in an ArrayList
  • The API's sorting algorithm works without you needed to know how its done as long as you implement the interface. Yay!


  • Create a class Mdterm that implements the Measurable interface.
    • A Mdterm object has both the score (double) and a student's name (String).
  • Create a new driver program MdtermTester to create and process an array of Mdterm objects. This driver program has similar functionality as the previous MeasurableTester program.
    • Create 10 Mdterm objects -- you can decide on the name and scores of each object
    • Print each object (name and score)
    • Display the average score of the 10 objects (using the interface method)
    • Display the student with the highest score (using the interface method)
    • sort the mdterm objects using the Arrays.sort method
    • Print the sorted objects.

Starter Codes

public interface Measurable
double getMeasurement();
Computes the average of the measures of the given objects.
@param objects an array of Measurable objects
@return the average of the measures
public static double average(Measurable[] objects)
double sum = 0.0;
for (Measurable obj : objects)
sum = sum + obj.getMeasurement();
if (objects.length > 0)
return sum / objects.length;
} else {
return 0.0;
Finds the maximum of the measurements of the given objects.
@param objects an array of Measurable objects
@return the maximum of the measures, null if array is empty
public static Measurable max(Measurable[] objects)
return null;

This program demonstrates the measurable Country class.
import java.util.*;
public class MeasurableTester
public static void main(String[] args)
Measurable[] countries = new Measurable[3];
countries[0] = new Country("Uruguay", 176220);
countries[1] = new Country("Thailand", 513120);
countries[2] = new Country("Belgium", 30510);
for(Measurable c: countries)
System.out.println("nThe average surface are of these countries is: " +
System.out.println("Expected: 239950.0");
/* ---------------- PART 2 ----------------------
Measurable maxCountry = Measurable.max(countries);
System.out.println("nMaximum area: " + maxCountry.getMeasurement());
System.out.println("Expected: 513120");
/* ---------------- PART 3 ----------------------
for(Measurable c: countries)
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