You are given two tables describing theater plays and reservations for these plays in specific theaters.

create table plays (
id integer not null,
title varchar(40) not null,
writer varchar(40) not null,

create table reservations (
id integer not null,
play_id integer not null,
number_of_tickets integer not null,
theater varchar(40) not null,

Write an SQL query that counts the total number of tickets reserved for each play. The table of results should contain three columns: id (id of play), title (title of play), and reserved_tickets (total number of reserved tickets for play). Rows should be ordered by decreasing reserved_tickets. In the case of a tie, rows should be sorted by increasing id of play.


1. Given:


id title writer
109 Queens and Kings of Madagascar Paul Sat
123 Merlin Lee Roy
142 Key of the tea Max Rogers
144 ROMEance Comedy Bohring Ashell
145 Nameless. Note Nul


id play_id number_of_tickets theater
13 109 12 Mc Rayleigh
24 109 34 Mc Rayleigh
37 145 84 Mc Rayleigh
49 145 45 Mc Rayleigh
51 145 41 Mc Rayleigh
68 123 3 Mc Rayleigh
83 142 46 Mc Rayleigh

The query should return:

id title reserved_tickets
145 Nameless. 170
109 Queens and Kings of Madagascar 46
142 key of the tea 46
123 Merlin 3
144 ROMEance Comedy 0

2. Given:


id title writer
34 The opera of the phantom Lero Gastonx
35 The legend of the coke Oscar Glad
36 Stone swords Arthur King


id play_id number_of_tickets theater
10 36 13 Arthur King Theater
30 35 20 The Legend Theater
31 36 21 The Legend Theater
32 35 21 The Legend Theater
33 36 19 The Legend Theater
40 34 29 The Jupiter Assembly Theater
41 34 19 The Jupiter Assembly Theater
42 34 6 The Jupiter Assembly Theater

your query should return:

id title reserved_tickets
34 The opera of the phantom 54
36 Stone swords 53
35 The legend of the cake 43

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