Create an application that outputs a proverb upon request.

Find 7 proverbs, wise sayings, or quotes

Store your proverbs in an if-elif-else decision structure (see below)

Your application should locate the corresponding proverb

Print the proverb and its explanation to the screen, each on a separate line.

Write a "welcome" message that greets the user and explains how the program works

Ask your user to enter a positive integer.

Echo back the user's choice - for example, "You entered 93"

Use %7 to convert the integer to a number between 0 and 6 (see pages 10 - 12 above and pages 32 - 33 in our text)

From Now On and Henceforth For full credit:

1.Write your name at the top of your program as a comment
2.Write the purpose of your program
3.Write all necessary include statements
4.Write function definitions
5.Use comments to explain your program
6.Use uppercase letters where appropriate

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