1. Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU burst time given in milliseconds:

Process Burst Time Priority
P1 2 3
P2 1 1
P3 8 5
P4 4 2
P5 5 4

The processes are assumed to have arrived in the order P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, all at time 0.

a. Use any software to draw four Gantt charts that illustrate the execution of these processes using the following scheduling algorithms: FCFS, nonpreemptive SJF, nonpreemptive priority (a larger priority number implies a higher priority), and RR (quantum = 2), and calculate the average waiting time for each algorithm.

b. Specify these four Gantt charts in text.

2. Welcome to SJSU Flight School. Any SJSU employees or students can take one-to- one flight lessons taught by one of instructors.

Use C and POSIX threads, mutex locks, and semaphores to implement a solution that coordinates the activities of instructors and the students. Details for this assignment are provided below.

The Students and the instructors

There are NUM_OF_INSTRUCTORS flight instructors, and NUM_OF_STUDENTS students. Each instructor and each student must rest before entering the lounge room. When an instructor is ready to teach a session, the instructor enters the lounge room and checks to see if there is a student waiting. If so, they can both proceed. Otherwise the instructor waits. Similarly, when a student is ready to take a session, the student enters the lounge room and checks for an instructor and either proceeds or waits, accordingly.

Given two semaphores (to guarantee execution order/sequence) students_q and instructors_q, a simple solution is

instructor student
students_q.signal(); /* if any student in q then notify */
instructors_q.wait(); /* wait in q if no student */
instructors_q.signal(); /* if any instructor in q the notify */
students_q.wait(); /* wait in q if no instructor */

Each instructor signals exactly one student, and each student signals one instructor, so it is guaranteed that instructors and students are allowed to proceed in pairs. But whether they actually proceed in pairs is not clear in the above solution; It is possible for any number of instructors to accumulate before executing teach_session(), and therefore it is possible for any number of instructors to execute teach_session() before any students to execute take_session().

To make things more interesting, let's add the additional constraint that an instructor can invoke teach_session() concurrently with only one student (who invokes the corresponding take_session()), and vice versa. In other words, no more than one pair of instructor and student can fly concurrently, and while the pair (instructor I, student S) are flying, no other pair of instructor and student can fly until (I, S) are done.

Use Pthreads to create one thread per student and one thread per instructor. To simulate students resting in student threads, instructors resting in instructor threads, and instructor teaching session in instructor thread, the appropriate threads should invoke sleep() for a random period of time (up to MAX_SLEEP_TIME). Instead of invoking the random number generator rand() which is not thread-safe/reentrant, each thread should invoke the reentrant version rand_r(). In addition, each time before a thread invokes sleep(), the thread must invoke rand_r() first.

  • rand_r() computes a sequence of pseudo-random integers in the range [0, RAND_MAX]. If you want a value between 1 and n inclusive, use (rand_r(&seed) % n) + 1.
  • Use a different seed value for rand_r() in each thread so that each thread can get a different sequence of pseudo-random numbers.

For simplicity, each student thread repeats the cycle of resting and taking a flight session, and terminates after taking sessions NUM_OF_SESSIONS times from instructors (regardless from which instructor). Any instructor simply repeats the cycle of resting and teaching a flight session; an instructor is not aware of NUM_OF_STUDENTS, nor does an instructor know NUM_OF_SESSIONS. The main program invokes pthread_join() to wait for the termination of all student threads and then invokes pthread_cancel()to cancel all instructor threads. The entire program then terminates.

Based on above requirements, your C program should have the following #defines:

/* the maximum time (in seconds) to sleep */
#define MAX_SLEEP_TIME 4
/* number of students */
/* number of instructors */
/* # of flight sessions each student must take before exit */

POSIX Synchronization

You need the following global variables for synchronization purpose:

/* binary semaphores */
sem_t mutex;
/* # of waiting instructors, students */
int waiting_instructors, waiting_students;
/* queue for instructors, students */
sem_t instructors_q, students_q;
/* session over */
sem_t session_over;

[you can cut&paste the above #defines and template code.]

The global variables waiting_instructors and waiting_students are counters that keep track of the number of instructors and students that are waiting, respectively. The binary semaphore mutex guarantees exclusive access to these two counters, and also is used to guarantee only one pair of teacher and student involved in a flight session at a time (i.e., no concurrent flight sessions). Semaphores instructors_q and students_q are the queues where instructors and students wait. session_over is used to check that a pair of instructor and student are done with the session.

The high-level logic of students and instructors are as follows

  • Each student must rest first before entering the lounge room. So does each instructor.
  • When a student enters the lounge room, if there is an instructor waiting, the student notifies the instructor about his/her arrival and then both proceed to a flight session. If there is no waiting instructor when a student arrives, the student waits in the student queue.
  • When an instructor enters the lounge room, if there is a student waiting, the instructor notifies the student about his/her arrival and then both proceed to a flight session. If there is no waiting student when an instructor arrives, the instructor waits in the instructor queue.
  • When a flight session is on, the student waits for the end of the flight session. The instructor thread calls sleep() to simulate teach_session() and then notifies the student after the session is over. Both instructor and student must take a rest before the next session if any. Any additional pair of instructor and student can then proceed to another flight session.
  • How to guarantee no concurrent teach_session()/take_session()? Keep holding the binary semaphore (mutex lock) until a flight session is over.
  • There is only one airplane in the flight school. All flight sessions are conducted on this airplane. While any flight session is on, neither additional instructor nor additional student can enter the lounge room. After a flight session is over, additional instructor (if any) or additional student (if any) can then enter the lounge room.

Other than the above six global shared variables, you are not allowed to have any additional global variables.

Your program output format must be similar to the followings (the exact sequence is different, of course): see image.

student[a, b]: a is student ID (0, 1, etc.), b is # of flight sessions already taken by student a.

instructor[c, d]: c is instructor ID (0, 1, etc.), d is total # of flight sessions already taught by instructor c. For a given a the value of b in student[a, b] keeps increasing until reaching NUM_OF_SESSIONS. For a given c, the value of d in instructor [c, d] keeps increasing.

The sum of the final d values from all instructors = (NUM_OF_SESSIONS * NUM_OF_STUDENTS).


1. Each invocation the program always prints out "CS149 Spring 2020 FlightSchool from FirstName LastName" only once. Take screenshots of the entire program execution (including CS149 Spring 2020 FlightSchool from ). It is OK to have several screenshots. The last screenshot must capture the end of program execution.

2. Any API in a multi-threaded application must be thread-safe and reentrant (e.g., call rand_r()instead of rand()). Invoking any non thread-safe or non reentrant API is subject to deduction.

3. You are not allowed to have any additional global variables other than those six global variables.

4. Any instructor is not aware of the number of students (NUM_OF_STUDENTS), nor does any instructor know how many flight sessions a student can request for (NUM_OF_SESSIONS).

5. Before using any mutex, semaphore, and condition variable, one must initialize it. One must destroy any mutex, semaphore, and condition variable before the process terminates.

6. You are not allowed to call sem_getvalue() for any semaphore.

7. One does not need to implement an explicit waiting queue. The default Pthread implementation on Linux wakes up threads waiting in a semaphore or condition variable in FIFO order. To avoid I/O buffer flushing bug, add "fflush(NULL);" after each printf in the program.

8. One must invoke the random number generator each time to get any rest time of student and instructor (thread calls sleep()), and any flight session time (instructor thread calls sleep()). You can call sleep() to simulate "flight session" within a critical section. Any other invocation of sleep() (e.g., rest) must be done outside of any critical section.

9. You must utilize array for various data structure and must utilize loop to remove repeating code. Any repetitive variable declaration and/or code are subject to deduction.

10. No recursion is allowed in any function.

Compile your program with "gcc -o flightschool flightschool.c -pthread". You can execute the program with ./flightschool.

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