Lab A

Count the number of times one String occurs in a second String.


  • You must use the Scanner class nextLine() method, to read in two words from the keyboard.
  • You must extract the 2 words and put the values into two String variables.
  • You must use the 2-parameter indexOf() method and a while loop to step through the second String to count the number of times the first String occurs in the second String.
  • You must print a message stating your findings. For example, if the first word was "ack" and the second was "backtackacka", you would print this: "The word "ack" was found in "backtackacka" 3 times.
  • Your solution must work for any combination of Strings with a length greater than 0.

Lab B

Manipulate upper and lower case letters in a String and String representations of numeric values.


  • Use the Scanner class nextLine() method, to read in a sentence from the keyboard. Your code will manipulate the sentence in the following ways and then print out the resulting sentence:
    • For each word in the sentence, if the first letter is capitalized, your code must use the toUpperCase() method to capitalize each letter in the word in the resulting sentence
    • For each word in a sentence, if the first letter is not capitalized, your code must use the toLowerCase() method to make sure each letter in the word is not be capitalized in the resulting sentence.
    • For each integer number in the sentence, you must use the parseInt() method to store the value in a integer variable.
    • For each decimal number in the sentence, you must use the parseDouble() method to store the value in a decimal variable.
  • The resulting sentence must be created by concatenating the numeric variables and the words from the sentence.
  • The original sentence must contain words, an integer (read in as a String) and a decimal number (also read in as a String).
  • Some but not all of the words must be capitalized.
  • Your solution must work for any sentence entered.

Lab C

Explore how the compareTo() method works on numeric values read in as numbers but converted to Strings.


  • Using the nextInt() and nextDouble() Scanner class methods, read in an integer and a decimal value from the keyboard.
  • Using the valueOf() method, convert both these numeric values into Strings.
  • You must prompt yourself for a prediction of the result when the 2 String numeric representations are compared using the compareTo() method and then to print out the result of the compareTo() method in a sentence stating if your prediction was right.
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