As of late, our society has become increasingly concerned about health and fitness. Not only are people making smarter decision regarding their nutrition, they are constantly monitoring their activities and calorific expenditure. This new trend has created a booming market for all sorts of tools to support healthy lifestyles.

As a junior programmer, you have decided to enter this appealing market by creating a company called LiveWell and releasing with a product of your own that you have named: StayFit. This product is a software application that provides health measurements that allows an individual to make better choices throughout the day and remain health conscious. Based on an individual's current age, current weight, current height, current waist size and current hip size, this software will determine the persons:

Ideal Body Weight The ideal weight for a woman who is exactly 5 feet tall is 100 pounds. For every additional inch above 5 feet, add 5 pounds.
Daily caloric and fat
Multiply your adjusted ideal weight by 13
(This assumes that you regularly exercise two to three times per week)
Body Mass Index (Weight lb X 4.88) / (Height ft)2
Basal Metabolic Rate BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )
Body Fat Percentage Adult Body Fat % = (1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x Age) - (10.8 x gender) - 5.4 gender = 0
Body Adiposity Index Body Adiposity Index
BAI = ( HC / (HM)1.5 ) - 18
BAI = Body Adiposity Index
HC = Hip Circumference in Centimeter
HM = Height in Meter
Waist to Hip ratio Ratio = waist / hip

How it works:

Your software will prompt the user for the needed information in order to perform the calculations and present the user with useful information about his/her current health status.


  • For this assignment, the health calculator application will only perform the calculation for women.
  • We assume that all the women using the health calculator are 5ft or taller.

Requirement Details:

  • Create a java maven application project called StayFitProject
groupId = edu.tec.livewell
artifactId = StayFit
version = 1.0
  • Create a class called StayFitView in the edu.tec.livewell.view that models the user interface of your application.
    • The StayFitView class should have a void method to ask the user for input and a void method to print the final output with the calculation results.
  • Create a class called StayFitService in the edu.tec.livewell.service package to that models a calculator object with behaviors to perform each one of the calculations in the table above
    • In the StayFitService class create a separate method to perform each of the calculations in the table above. (all these methods must return a value aka non void methods)
  • Create a class called User in the edu.tec.livewell.model that models the user of your application.
    • In addition to the instance variables needed to perform the calculation (i.e age, height weight) and the calculated values (i.e bmi, bmr) make sure you add attributes to capture the user's first name and last name in order to personalize the health information results.
    • As part of the output, always start by printing the current date prior to printing the results
  • Create a Driver application called StayFitApplication in the edu.tec.livewell.application package that makes use of the classes above as needed.
  • Be creative, and make your program intuitive and an enjoyable experience for the end user
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