Task 1. Tiny shell

Why build another shell?

There are three objects to this PA:

  • To familiarize yourself with the Linux programming environment (particularly, using C)
  • To learn how processes are created, destroyed, and managed
  • To gain exposure to the necessary functionality in shells


In this assignment, you will implement a command line interpreter, or as it is more commonly known, a shell. The shell should operate in this basic way: when you type in a command (in response to its prompt), the shell creates a child process that executes the command you entered; once the child process has finished, the shell prompts for more user input. The shell you implement will be similar to, but much simpler than, the one you run every day in an Unix/Linux-based OS.


You are given a skeleton of the tiny shell in a file called task-1/tinyshell.c. Currently it implements a few functionalities for you. For instance, the command parsing is already implemented. Therefore, the code can parse a given input command string. But it does not fully implement the desired tiny shell. For your convenience, it includes some comments outlining what needs to be done or where you need to add your code.

You do not need to modify the existing code. But if you modify, do it at your own risk; and you need to make sure it operates as expected and passes the provided testcases.

Please note that passing the provided testcase(s) do not necessarily mean your solution is fully correct.

Feature 1.1. Basic shell and its prompt

Your basic shell is basically an interactive loop: it repeatedly prints a prompt "tinyshell> " (note the space after the > sign), parses the input that the user just typed followed by a newline (i.e., '\n), executes the command specified by the input, and waits for the command to finish.

Termination: Your shell repeats its execution cycle until the user types exit, without anything following it other than a newline. If exit is followed by any other token/string, then your shell should consider it as an error (More information on error checking in Feature 1.8). Your shell should also terminate if it reads EOF (typed using ctrl+d or if there is nothing to read when the input redirection is used).

Whenever the shell terminates normally (due to exit or EOF), it should return/terminate/exit with exit-status 0. Otherwise, it should return/terminate/exit with a non-zero status (you should use 1).

The interactive loop and handling of exit command are already implemented in the code.

Compilation & Execution: The final executable should be named tshell and compiled as follows

$ gcc -o tshell -Werror -Wall -O3 tinyshell.c
$ ./tshell
tinyshell> exit

Feature 1.2. Command structure and its processing

Assumptions: Each command will be in a single line terminated by a newline character. You can safely assume that each line will have a maximum of 1024 characters including the newline character (i.e., '\n) at the end of the line.

Delimiters: You can assume that the command and each of its arguments will be separated by one or more tab or space characters. For example, "ps -ef > filename &" is a valid command; however, ps -ef>filename& is not. In fact, your shell should interpret the latter as a command with two tokens: ps and -ef>filename&; and it should attempt to execute ps with -ef>filename& as its argument.

Processing: Your shell should be able to parse the input (aka command) and run the program corresponding to the command. For example, if the user types ls -la /tmp, your shell should run the program ls with all the given arguments and print the output on the screen (aka stdout). Note that the shell itself does not "implement" ls and many other commands like this. All it does is to find the executable in the environment $PATH (e.g., for ls, the actual executable file is at /bin/ls) and create a new process to run the executable. However, there are few exceptions to this approach, which we will discuss later.

For each typed command, your shell should spawn a child process using fork() which will carry out the given command using exec() (or one of its variants). You may simply use execvp(). There are two advantages of creating a new process. First, it protects the main shell process from any errors that occur in the new command. Secondly, it allows concurrency: multiple commands can be started and allowed to execute simultaneously.

You may want to look at the Figure 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 from Chapter 5 of the textbook http://pages. cs.wisc.edu/remzi/OSTEP/cpu-api.pdf for examples on how to use these system calls.

Feature 1.3. Built-in commands

Whenever your shell accepts a command, it should check whether the command is a built-in command or not. If it is, the command should not be executed like other programs (e.g., ls). Instead, your shell will invoke your implementation of the built-in command.

For example, exit is a built-in command; when the user types exit command, your shell must terminate with status 0. One simple way to implement this is to call "exit(0)", which is a C library function (see man exit), or to use return 0 if you are inside the main() function. Your shell already includes the exit built-in command.

Most Unix shells have many other built-in commands such as cd, pwd, echo, kill etc. In this project, you have to implement two built-in commands: cd and pwd.

For other commands (e.g., echo, kill), your shell will process them and attempt to execute them like other regular commands using fork() and execvp(). If there exists a program available in the environment $PATH, your shell should successfully execute the command. For example, a kill (resp., echo) command should eventually be executed by running the /bin/kill (resp. /bin/echo) program. If no such program exists, execvp() will return an error, which your shell (to be precise, the child process) should handle and display the corresponding error message.

exit, cd, and pwd formats. The formats for exit, cd, and pwd are as follows: (here, ___denotes one or more tab/space characters and denotes one space character)

tinyshell> ___exit___
tinyshell> ___pwd___
tinyshell> ___cd___
tinyshell> ___cd___dir

When the user types cd (without arguments), your shell should change the working directory to the user's home directory, which is stored in the $HOME environment variable. Use getenv("HOME") to obtain the path to the home directory and then simply call chdir(). When a user changes the current working directory (e.g., cd somepath), you simply call chdir() with the provided path.

You do not have to support tilde (). Although in a typical Unix shell you could go to a user's directory by typing cd username or cd or cd /some/path, in this project you do not have to deal with tilde. Instead, your shell should treat it like a common character, i.e., you should just pass the whole word (e.g., username) to chdir(), and chdir will return an error.

When a user types pwd, you simply use getcwd() to find out the current working directory and display the result.

Once the built-in commands are implemented, your shell should behave like this:

$ ./tshell
tinyshell> cd /tmp
tinyshell> pwd
tinyshell> cd
tinyshell> pwd
tinyshell> exit
$ echo $?

Feature 1.4. Output redirection

Often a shell user prefers to send the output of his/her command/program to a file rather than to the screen (i.e., stdout). The shell provides this nice feature with the > character. Formally this is named as redirection of standard output. Your shell should also implement this feature. For example, if a user types ls -la /tmp > output, nothing should be printed on the screen; instead, the output of the ls program should be rerouted to the output file in the current directory. If the output file already exists before running the above ls command, your shell should simply overwrite the file (after truncating it).

You may want to look at the code given in Figure 5.4 of the Textbook http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/ remzi/OSTEP/cpu-api.pdf.

Feature 1.5. Background jobs

Sometimes, when using a shell, the user may want to run multiple jobs concurrently. In most shells, this is implemented by letting the user put a job in the background. This is done as follows:

tinyshell> ls &

By typing a trailing ampersand (&), the user tells the shell to launch the job, but not to wait for the job's completion. Thus, the user can start more than one job by repeatedly using the trailing ampersand. Your shell needs to implement this feature. Some example commands for background jobs:

tinyshell> ls &
tinyshell> ps &
tinyshell> find . -name *.c -print &

Feature 1.6. Foreground jobs

For a command that does not have a trailing ampersand (&) (i.e., not a background job), your shell must wait for the command to finish its execution. Once the command finishes (i.e., terminates/exits), only then your shell should accept a new user command.

See the code given in Figure 5.4 from chapter 5 of the Textbook or http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/ remzi/OSTEP/cpu-api.pdf. It shows how to wait for a child process. wait() may seem to work, but it may not work as expected when one or more background jobs are currently running while your shell is waiting for a foreground job to finish. Study both wait() and waitpid() to identify which one to use. It is recommended to use waitpid() for this project.

Feature 1.7. Not supported commands and options

Your shell does not need to support piped commands, that is, commands of the following form. Simply put, your tiny shell does not need to handle commands containing the pipe character (i.e., |).

ps -ef | grep root | wc -l

It also does not need to handle the following forms of I/O redirections: <, >>, &2 >, etc.

It does not need to support wildcard/asterisk () expansion. For instance, given ls *.c command, many UNIX shells will list all the files with .c extension in the current directory. Those shells consider the asterisk as a meta-character1 and interpret it as zero or more of any character when searching for a pattern (*.c). For many commands like find, those shells apply the asterisk expansion first and then pass the result list to the command.

Take a look at the find command shown in Feature 1.5. Note that you do not have to surround *.c with double-quotation (i.e., "*.c") as you would do when using one of the common UNIX shells (say, bash). The reason to surround wildcard patterns with double-quotation is to prevent the shell from expanding the wildcard.

For these non-supported commands/options, your shell should consider them (e.g., |, >>, *, ;, #) as regular characters and pass them as arguments to the command (identified by the first token/word). The command may return an error, which your shell needs to display.

Feature 1.8. Error checking

Your program should do appropriate error checking. In case of an error, your shell must print the following error message: "An error has occurred\n". For your convenience, the skeleton code tinyshell.c includes two macros PRINT ERROR and PRINT ERROR SYSCALL(x). The source code includes their definition. Instead of printing the error message using printf(), use one of the macros as required.

PRINT ERROR SYSCALL(x): Use this macro when you are checking if a syscall function (e.g., fork, execvp, getcwd, getenv, open, chdir, wait, waitpid) returns an error. This macro not only prints the error message from the syscall failure using perror(), but also prints "An error has occurred\n". Pass the syscall name when using this macro like this: PRINT ERROR SYSCALL("open");.

PRINT ERROR: It just simply prints "An error has occurred\n". Use it for other errors in your code like this: PRINT ERROR;.

Exit status: When your shell terminates normally, it must exit with status 0, e.g., using exit(0). If your program needs to exit/terminate due to an error, it must exit with the status code 1, e.g., using exit(1).

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