In this lab you will write a simple text processing utility to replace ASCII TAB characters with the appropriate number of ASCII SPACE characters to reach the next "tab stop". This will introduce the concept of data alignment in a context other than memory addresses, introduce the concept of "filter" programs on Unix, and further explore the standard I/O library.


Your program must read its input from standard input, the Unix "file" typically associated with the terminal, and write its output to standard output, also typically associated with the terminal. Both standard input and standard output can be replaced with a file on disk using the shell, however. Your program will read its input, replacing ASCII TAB characters with a number of spaces that depends on where they occur on the line, and write the modified data to its output.

The number of spaces to be used for each tab is determined by the number of spaces since the beginning of the line (that is, either the beginning of the file or the most recent ASCII NEWLINE character). Tab "stops" occur every 8 characters in an ASCII file; when an ASCII TAB occurs, the next character printed should appear at the next 8-byte boundary. Sound familiar? This is very similar to memory padding for 8-byte values, except that it is dependent on line location instead of memory location! The major difference is that a TAB occurring on a tab stop skips to the next tab stop (a full 8 spaces), whereas memory padding would insert no padding at all.

For example, if the first character on a line is TAB, followed by the character 'a', when the file was processed by your program it would output eight spaces at the beginning of the line, followed by the 'a'. If the line contained 'a', then TAB, then 'b', your program would output the 'a' character, then 7 spaces, then the 'b'.

Your program should make no other changes to its input. All characters that are not ASCII TAB should be passed through unchanged.


You might find man ascii helpful, but remember that ASCII TAB is represented in C as 'It' and that ASCII NEWLINE is represented in C as '\n'. It is better to use these character codes than to use their ASCII integer values.

You may use any of the Unix or C Standard I/O functions to read from standard input and standard output, but I recommend that you use getchar() and putchar(). These functions conveniently read and write one character at a time without requiring a memory buffer, and getchar() can easily signal end-of-file. See man getchar and man putchar for more information.

The shell < operator "redirects" standard input from a file, and the > operator redirects standard output to a file. Thus, if you have a program that reads from standard input (which would normally be the user typing at the keyboard in a terminal), you can cause it to read from a file instead. These operators each take a filename as an argument. You can cause your untabify program to read from the file input.txt and write to the file output.txt as follows:

untabify < input.txt > output.txt

You will see this used in the given Makefile.

Emacs has the built-in commands tabify and untabify, which operate on the current region (this is the visible text selection, which is called the "region" in Emacs-speak). They can be run by pressing M-x (hold down the "Meta" key, probably labeled "Alt" on your keyboard, end press the X key; alternately, press and release the Escape key and then press the X key) and then typing tabify or untabify and pressing Enter. The tabify command will turn runs of spaces into ASCII TAB where appropriate, and the untabify command will do exactly what your untabify program should do. Note that their correct operation (for this project) depends on the fact that you have not configured Emacs to use some spacing other than 8 for an ASCII TAB. You may find these functions useful during this project, if you are an Emacs user.

Both Emacs and vim are capable of viewing tabs as non-whitespace characters for convenience. In Emacs, you can turn this on and off) with M-x whitespace-mode (see the previous paragraph for details on what this means). In vim it is a bit more complicated, but you can run (from command mode) :set listcharsetab:>- , and then set list will turn on visible tabs and set list! will turn them off.

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